[글로벌비즈니스] W호텔 국제경영(영문)

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  • 2006.11.29 / 2019.12.24
  • 18페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Starwood Company - Overview, Frequent Guest Program

New York Economy &Market Environment

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W hotels around the world are considered one of the most luxurious hotels world-wide. W N.Y is not an exception. Our group of the W hotel, and tried to find out a way to apply the operational methods to the hotel business in Korea.

Starwood Company Overview

Starwood is one of the world's largest hotel and leisure companies. They conduct their hotel and leisure business both directly and though their sub-brands, which include St. Regis R , The Luxury Collection R , Sheraton R , Westin R , W R and Four Points R , BY Sheraton. Starwood's operations are grouped into two business segments, hotels and vacation ownership operations.
Starwood's hotel business emphasizes the global operation of hotels and resorts primarily in the luxury and upscale segment of the lodging industry.

Starwood Frequent Guest Program

Starwood Preferred Guest R ("SPG") has over 22 million members and since its inception in 1999, has been awarded the Hotel Program of the Year six times by consumers via the prestigious Freddie Awards. SPG has also received awards for Best Customer Service, Best Web Site, Best Elite-Level Program, and Best Award Redemption. SPG, which was the first loyalty program in the hotel industry with a policy of no blackout dates and no capacity controls, enables members to redeem stays when they want. SPG yield repeat guest business due to rewarding frequent stays and purchasers of VOIs with points towards free hotel stays and other rewards, or airline miles with any of the participating 32 airline programs.

    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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