[국제경영] SM엔터테인먼트의 경영 전략(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2012.11.12 / 2019.12.24
  • 15페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,700원
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1, Fan culture of idol singers
2. The rising profit item – MD product(Goods)
3, The sales strategy of MD product, whose profit is sharply rising.
4. Specific MD product sales improve strategy.
1. Domestic market investment
2. Overseas market investment
1. As the sound source market grows, the expected incomes also increase.
2. As SM Entertainment's long-term plan, it is necessary to achieve clear outcome.
3. Current structure of sound source supply can't meet the demand of the public.
1. The Current Overseas Earnings State of SM Entertainment
2. Global Condition
1. Increasing Risk of Slowdown Sales
2. Withering of Investment Psychology
1. Promoting Sales Stability
2. Raising Credit of SM Entertainment
1. KIKO (Knock In Knock Out), The Insurance for Exchange Rate Fluctuation
2. Balance Sheet Hedge
1, Fan culture of idol singers

1) Overall fan culture of idol singer in Korea

Korean idol culture is shorter than Japanese idol culture. In Japan, idol singer existed in 1960s, so idol fandom and fan culture of idol are set in Japan. But in Korea, H.O.T. who is made by SM Entertainment in 1990s is representative idol singer. They had got a lot of popularity from teenagers and contributed greatly to make SM Entertainment No.1 agency in Korea. Also, huge fandom had been made because of H.O.T., so when H.O.T. hold a concert, school don’t accept to leave the class before its usual dismissal and when H.O.T. is disband a team, some fans of H.O.T. caused a scene by threatening to commit suicide. Like this, they have great ripple effect for their fans. In these reason, fandom effect of second generation is greater than fandom of first generation, so TVXQ had have fan club is concreted officially around 800,000 fans. But, there are many changes in fan culture of idol from second generation. Because communication is developed, fans give birthday present to their idol singer as calling people together through Internet and they buy album using group purchase through Internet. And fan of first generation idol have a tendency to not obsess but cheer for their idol singer. By the way, in second generation their fans can know idol singer’s schedules and they also can know idol singer’s the seats of flight because of develop of communication. In these situations, especially there are fans that use this for bad things and some fans changed to obsess and stalk to their idol singer. These idol cultures are occurring also in 2.5 generation idol or third generation idol like MBLAQ, BEAST and so on.

마이클 포터 (2008), 마이클 포터의 경쟁전략(경쟁우위에 서기 위한 분석과 전략), 조동성 역, 서울 : 21세기북스, 2008 .10. 10, 81-87

SM재팬 대표이사 "'동방신기' 일본 투어 매출액 960억원", , 2012-04-24 08:00:00, http://www.enews24.net/news/03/2690751_1164.html, (2012-05-12)
카카오톡, 소녀시대와 손잡고 세계무대 평정나선다, <한국경제>, 2012-01-10 10:57, http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=201201109114t, (2012-05-12)
4천만 국민 메신저 카카오톡 "이제는 돈벌어야지", , 2012-04-19 08:53, http://www.consumernews.co.kr/news/view.html?gid=main&bid=news&pid=306813, (2012-05-12)
카카오톡 플러스친구, 쓸만할까, <블로터닷넷>, 2012-04-19, http://www.bloter.net/archives/106158, (2012-05-12)
빅뱅 올 360억원 대박 쳤다, <스포츠동아>, 2008-11-28 07:23:00, http://news.donga.com/3//20081128/8664047/1, (2012-05-12)
2만3000여개 불밝힌 비스트 ‘로즈봉’ …억 소리 난다, <스포츠동아>, 2012-05-09 03:00:00, http://news.donga.com/Culture/3/07/20120509/46101262/1, (2012-05-12)
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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