GS홈쇼핑 분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.01.26 / 2019.12.24
  • 24페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Case Selection and Research Scope

- Company Overview
- Problem Definition

Internal Analysis
- Suppliers
- Operation Process
- Broadcasting Process
- Customer Perception

External Analysis
- Regulation
- Competition
- Technology Trend

- Inbounding Strategy
- Branding Strategy




2. Internal Analysis


If we see the sequential chain in the value creation process, there are three major participants with some of intermediaries among them. So for the internal analysis, we will see how products would be conveyed to customers from suppliers and investigate each activity of the participants.
The first player dealing with the products are suppliers, and they deliver their products either directly to home-shopping companies or indirectly to them through vendors. Up on these situations, the sales commission structure can be changed. Also, each home-shopping company makes its own decision for delivering the product to customer with efficient and effective plans. In this stage, we need to think about the existence of local cable TV stations which utilizing the process of broadcasting and advertising activities. Finally we will suggest the result of survey for customers’ perception for the five home-shopping companies.


There are two routes for suppliers to sell their products to home-shopping companies. One is indirect procurement and the other is direct procurement if we see the two routes from the perspective of the home-shopping companies. The former is the way to use vendor, the intermediary between suppliers and the companies, so that it can burden to suppliers by paying additional commission fee to those vendors. On the other hand, relatively big suppliers have the capability to directly sell their products to the companies.
As a matter of fact, one of the most critical factors for the relationship between suppliers and home-shopping companies is commission, which is a term indication sales commission in this distribution industry. For example the concession level for three different channels: department stores, discount stores, and home-shopping are around 36%, 24%, and 38% for each in 2009. Here, we can see home-shopping firms are taking relatively high concession compared to other two channels.
And for the concession comparison among industry for the five home-shopping companies: GS, CJ, Hyundai, Lotte, and NSS, the concession rates are quite similar except Lotte. Lotte took almost 35%, and rest of four companies took around 33%. But one thing to notice is all of five firms were taking high concession from SMEs, which mean relatively small suppliers could have suffered from the burden of high concession by the pressure of home-shopping companies.

Home-shopping companies: Operational Process

In its operational process, there are basically three main considerations for the company. Firstly, the firm should select items to sell for achieving its target return and make a forecast for how much demand would occur for the sales activities. This action can be fundamental basis for further operational decision. Secondly, it needs to make concrete shape to perform the plan. Setting a brand image can be included in this step. Entertainment can also be one of the factors developing the plan in this phase. Finally, the last consideration is preparation of broadcasting to customers. This step includes all the services related to advertisement, for example, a company can prepare a show host or a few models for media screen.

Broadcasting Process

There are two types of local cable TV stations, so-called System Operators; one is subsidiary SO and the other is partial ownership SO. The difference of the two is that the relationship between home-shopping companies is stronger for the former than the latter. Thus the more a home-shopping company holds system operators, the better chance it gets to access on broadcasting.
In 2010, GS home-shopping sold subsidiary system operators which were located at Gangnam in Seoul, and Ulsan. It had two subsidiary and eleven partial ownership SO, so the total number of SO which GS home-shopping holds had reduced to eleven from thirteen. Currently CJ has twenty-seven system operators for the most, and the number of system operators for the rest are as follows; eleven for Hyundai, three for Lotte, three for NSS.

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  • [유통관리] GS홈쇼핑 유통시스템
  • GS 홈쇼핑유통관리유통관리 1조Index기업 현황 1환경 분석 MD (머천다이징)SWOT 분석출점 전략물류시스템 문제점(개선방안)경쟁기업비교 전망 및 발전방안2349567801기업현황 (기업개요)유통관리 1조회사명/영문 : (주)지에스홈쇼핑 / GS Home Shopping, Inc2) 주업종 : 기타 통신판매업3) 본사 주소: 서울 영등포구 문래동6가 10 GS강서 타워( )4) 설립일 : 1994/12/235) 대표이사명 : 강만길6) 사업영역 : TV홈쇼핑, 인터넷홈쇼핑, 카탈

  • [졸업논문][경영학] Drug Store 성공 전략 -W스토어를 중심으로
  • 분석하여 관심있어하는 분야의 의료 기술 및 제약 또는 건강보조 식품 및 w-스토어에서 제공하는 상품들을 소개하는 책자를 재공한다. 즉, 홈쇼핑을 할 수 있는 기반을 제공한다. 4) 불만 고객 및 불평 고객에 대한 철저한 관리불만 고객의 만족 고객화를 전략적으로 접근한다. 기존의 불만족 고객을 다양한 관점에서 고객화를 시켜서 제 2의 사원화를 창출한다. 즉, 불만족 고객의 충성도 높은 고객화는 어렵지만, 적극적인 소비자로 활동할 수 있기 때

  • [광고학] 광고와 미래버전
  • GS와 LG뿐만 아니라 바스프, BP, 시티은행, 델타항공, 에비앙, 페라리, 포드, HP, 켈로그, 코닥, 모간스텐리, 모토로라, 제록스 등 세계 유수 기업의 CI와 이미지 작업을 해 왔다.GS그룹의 새 CI는 다음달 31일부터 회사이름을 GS칼텍스로 교체하는 LG칼텍스정유와 GS건설(현 LG건설), GS리테일(현 LG유통), GS홈쇼핑(현 LG홈쇼핑) 등 자회사 및 계열사별가 사용하게 된다. 이들 회사들은 변경 회사명에 새 CI와 로고타입을 적용, 주주총회에서 상호변경 승인을 거쳐 공

  • [경영학] 지마켓 G마켓 기업분석
  • 영문 사이트 개설→ 공격적인 집중화 전략(시장침투)으로 단기실천전술을 달성하고 국내시장을 장악, 확실한 수익구조를 만든 후 해외사업에 매진함으로써 기업목표 달성4.경영전략2. SWOT 분석1. 불량고객 및 판매자를 퇴출2. 브랜드 가치와 구매자들의 인지도를 높이기 위한 공격적 마케팅1. 상품의 다각화를 촉진하여 다양한 구매층을 확보2. 스타 마케팅을 더욱 공격적으로 활용하여 다음온켓이나 GS로 구매층이 분산되지 않도록 유도, 브랜드 인

  • [경영정보시스템] 인터파크 서비스전략
  • GS홈쇼핑은 무점포 유통산업에 대한 경쟁력 있는 인프라, ERP/CRM 시스템 구축 등을 통하여 고품격의 홈쇼핑 문화를 창조해 나가고 있으며 디지털시대의 T-커머스에 대비한 내부 역량을 더욱 발전시키고 있다. GS홈쇼핑은 고객 데이터베이스 분석을 바탕으로 고객 Needs에 기초한 상품기획과 고객의 Life Cycle에 근거한 과학적 편성, 생방송을 통한 고객과의 커뮤니케이션 그리고 수주 배송 CS 과정에서 철저한 고객중심 서비스를 실시하고 있다. GS홈쇼핑은

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