커피빈 마케팅전략(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.09.23 / 2019.12.24
  • 20페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,800원
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최대 20페이지까지 미리보기 서비스를 제공합니다.
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
목 차

1. Introducing The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
2. Discussion of current problems.
3. Analysis of the existing situation and market environment.
1) Scale of coffee market
2) Possibility of growth
SWOT analysis
- Strength
1) Using great quality of coffee beans.

2) Light Roast
3) Fat Free
- Weakness
1) Negative marketing

2) High price.
- Opportunities
- Threats
4. Evaluation for current market strategy of Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
- Product
1) Quality

2) Tea Leaf
- Promotion
1) Lack of communication

2) Non-related affiliations
- Place
1) Lack of stores

2) Interior design
- Price
1) Customer Demand and competition

2) Market response
5. Recommendation
- Product & Promotion
1) Quality

2) Tea Leaf & Promotion
3) Brand Equity? A Key element in the company’s relationship with consumers!
- Communication
- Place
1) Lack of stores
2) Interior design
3) Price
• Tea pots or brochures can be used to promote tea sales. Tea pots can be used as a part of interior decoration. Each pot contains different types of tea plants and each table is arranged with different pots with noticeable name tags with them. Brochures can be used to advertise the unique taste and efficacy of each tea. These brochures should be placed at or near each table to make it accessible for customers to read them while waiting for their menu.
Relevance: Consumers must feel that the choice they make at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is relevant to making good and beneficial decisions in their lives.
• Many choose to drink coffee and related products because the coffee culture today, especially in Korea, is now highly developed with many demanding convenience.
• Can promote that tea products are ultimately a good-tasting and beneficial product! In fact, benefits of tea include prevention of aging, allergies, bone strength, cancer, weight loss and etc. With the society moving towards well-being society, promoting the benefits of tea in the brochures mentioned above. Ultimately, consumers must feel that the choice they make is relevant in bringing wellness and satisfaction in their lives.
• Employees can be trained to offer tea menus by explaining its benefit to consumers who are not sure and hesitate which product to order. By kindly offering a certain tea menu with certain benefits, some consumers may choose tea products because most consumers tend to believe that employees have a good understanding of their products and offer sincere pieces of advice.
Differentiation: Consumers must feel that by choosing The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, they are making unique choices that can be differentiated from other consumers and allow them to stand out.
• Alignment of tea-product line will distinguish The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf from other coffee brands as a brand that specializes in both coffee and teas. With no other coffee shop offering a variety of tea products as does The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, can promote its key strength through various means as mentioned above.
Esteem: Ultimately, if knowledge, relevance and differentiation aspects are guaranteed, The Coffee Bean & Tea leaf can create consumer loyalty.
- Communication
The weakest point of The Coffee Bean & Tea leaf is the lack of brand awareness. Through active communication with customers, the company will be able to promote its sales.
• Use Mass Media, Social Network Service, etc. Many people are intent on such services as Twitter, Facebook, Cyworld, net-cafes, etc. Active communication using these media will make customers more informed and related to the brand.
• Educate Employees for differentiated service, such as describing a new menu in person as mentioned.
• Provide an attractive membership card merit.
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf should affiliate with companies related to their brand, where consumers feel that there is a strong connection
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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  • `뽀로로`의 성공신화
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