[경영관리] GM(지엠)과 TOYOTA(도요타)의 경영 마케팅 비교 분석

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.09.27 / 2019.12.24
  • 7페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • est1est2est3est4est5 1(구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,100원
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1. Basic Information & Recent Status

2. Production

3. Human Resources (Labor)

4. Marketing

Management Comparative Analysis
General Motors has its global headquarters in Detroit and does business across the world. GM's largest national market is the United States, followed by China, Brazil, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Italy. General Motors acquired operations from General Motors Corporation on July 10, 2009, and references to prior periods in this and other press materials refer to operations of the old General Motors Corporation. Old GM had 47 US manufacturing plants but now the new GM has cut down the number to 34. The bankruptcy of the company resulted in the cut-down of the number of plants and less production. The number of cars and trucks produced in May 2010 was 141,658.
With its head office in Japan, Toyota conducts its business worldwide with 51 overseas manufacturing companies in 26 countries and regions. Toyota's vehicles are sold in more than 170 countries and regions. Toyota differs from GM in that they use their own production system called the Toyota Production System. The Toyota Production System is an integrated socio-technical system, developed by Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro Toyoda, and the engineer Taiichi Ohno, which comprises its management philosophy and practices. Their system bases on few main principles; Continuous Improvement (Kaizen), Respect for People, Long-term based Philosophy, etc. Their term “Lean manufacturing” and “Just in Time” system is widely known. “Lean manufacturing” refers to a production practice in which they boost up the efficiency as much as possible by reducing any kind of waste. Reducing the amount of inventory they would hold only to a level that its employees would need for a small period of time, and then subsequently reorder became the precursor of the now-famous “Just-in-Time” (JIT) inventory system. Toyota was able to greatly reduce lead time and cost using the TPS, while improving quality. This enabled it to become one of the ten largest companies in the world.
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  • gsas***
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회원 추천자료
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  • [글로벌전략] 한국GM, GM 글로벌 핵심으로 급부상
  • 경영을 하고 있다. 북미, 유럽, 아시아, 그 외 대륙을 총체적으로 관리하는 GMA(Auto Motive), 재정 및 금융을 관리하는 GMAC, 서비스 분야의 SPO를 들 수 있다.분포 - GM은 세계 최대의 자동차 시장을 보유하고 있는 기업에 걸맞게 전 세계적으로 시장을 형성 하고 있다. 북미의 경우 모든 제품 브랜드가 출시되고 있으며, 한국/유럽/인도/멕시코/남미/호주 등의 경우, Chevrolet를 중점적으로 유통하고 있다. 여기서 주목할 점은 GM이 자회사로 거느리는 Holden과 한국GM

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