영문 SERIAL MOM 시리얼 맘 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
John Waters
Second Draft: July 22, 1992
1. Film opens with prologue title: "This is a true
story. The screenplay is based on court testimony,
sworn declarations, and hundreds of interviews
conducted by the film-makers". Fade out.
Fade in to second prologue title: "Some of the
innocent characters names have been changed in the
interests of a larger truth". Fade out.
Fade in to final prologue title: "No one involved
in the crimes received any form of financial
compensation". Fade out.
2. Establishing shot of upper-middle class suburban home.
We hear on the soundtrack the daily morning chatter
of a family rushing to get to work and school.
Subtitle appears: "2815 Calverton Court. The
Sutphin Family". Fade out.
Second subtitle fades in: "Friday, September 18th,
1992. 7:08am". Fade out.
3. Interior cheery, bright SUTPHIN kitchen. CREDITS
MOM, BEVERLY, a trim, fortyish, pretty Betty Crocker
of the 90s, grabs the toast as it pops up and
butters it. She waves cheerfully out the kitchen
window to the passing GARBAGEMEN on the back of a
Baltimore County garbage truck and then turns to her
husband and children and expertly begins to serve
DAD, EUGENE, the ultimate nice guy and a dentist by
trade, divides the morning paper up between himself
and son CHIP, a cute semi-hip kid who is still in
high-school. Daughter, MISTY, a pretty and slightly
overweight college student, frantically prices the
junk she plans on selling at the flea market after
classes while gulping down a light breakfast.
Who wants fruit salad?
I do, please.
Thats not gum in your mouth,
is it?
(Removing it)
Its sugarless.
You know how I hate gum,
Misty. All that chomping
and cheesing...
(Begins serving her)
Sorry, Mom. Thanks.
(To her brother, as she
prices a record album)
Hey, Chip, think I could get
50c for Vanilla Ice.
I wouldnt give ya a nickle.
Carl cant believe how much I
make at swap meets.
(Rolling her eyes good-naturedly)
And who may I ask is Carl?
Just a boy. Hes picking me up
this morning.
Here we go again.
Hes really cute!
(Watching the cute little
birds nibbling seed from
the bird-feeder in kitchen
Cute is not enough, Misty.
You know that.
She sure can pick em!
He goes to college with me!
Leave her alone, Chip.
(To MOM)
I think its great she has a
new beau, Beverly.
MOM smiles kindly, picks up a box of cereal in each
hand and turns to the family.
Cereal anybody?
Title "SERIAL MOM" appears on the screen.
Just a little, please. Bad
for the teeth.
Always the dentist.
Chip, honey?
Thanks, Mom.
As MOM serves the cereal, she spots a lone fly as it
lands on the butter dish. Without letting on to her
family, she grabs a flyswatter and begins stalking
the fly with a terrifying intensity, its buzzing
enough to make MOMs head explode.
(Reading paper)
Look at this!
(Reading out loud in disgust)
"Hillside Strangler gets his
college degree in prison!"
(Preoccupied, stalking fly)
Thats nice.
Nice?! He should have been
He killed people, Mom.
(To herself)
We all have bad nights.
(Gets ready to swat, but fly
buzzes off)
Youd probably date him!
(Mimicking her)
Hes cu-uuute! Hey, Dad, did
you ever see "Henry, Portrait of
a Serial Killer?"
I certainly did not.
Youve been working in that
video shop too long.
And all that gore better hadnt be
interfering with your schoolwork.
MOM stalks fly as it lands on CHIPs toast as the
rest of the family remains oblivious to MOMs
building anger.
I do great in school, Dad.
(Eats toast as fly buzzes off)
A sickened and rage-filled MOM stalks the fly to
DADs orange juice glass where it secretes on the
rim in closeup.
Well, your mothers going to PTA
today. Well see what your
teacher has to say.
(Takes a big gulp as fly buzzes away)
(Giving a pleading look to MOM as
the buzzing of the fly builds in
intensity on the soundtrack)
Aw, Mom! I hate Mr. Stubbins!
(Moving in for the kill, hissing
the words in a rage)
Dont say the word "hate", honey.
"Hate" is a very serious word!
MOM swats violently and we see fly splat in bloody
closeup. ("Directed by John Waters" credit appears).
Family is suddenly silent as they uneasily look up
in surprise at MOMs ferocious attack.
MOM quickly wipes up squashed fly and smiles back at
her family.
There. All better.
(Suddenly all innocence)
Anybody for scrambled eggs?
A loud banging is heard on the back door. MOM jumps up
(Getting up from table)
Who on earth...?
MOM opens door to two police detectives in plain
clothes. DETECTIVE MOORE is younger and more rugged
than the older more world-weary DETECTIVE BRADFORD.
Mrs. Sutphin?
(Shows badge)
Im Detective Moore and this
is Detective Bradford.
Subtitle appears "7:26am" and then fades out.
(Taking over)
Im Dr. Eug
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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  • 영화관에서 영화 한 번 볼려고 해도, 쇼핑 한 번 할려고 해도 차는 필수다. 그렇다면 결론은 금전적 여유가 된다면 차를 한 대 사는 게 가장 좋다는 것이다. UA의 미국학생들도 대부분 자기 차를 갖고 있고 주차시설도 아주 잘 되어 있어 차소유가 아무 문제가 되지 않는다. 게다가 기름값도 한국과 비교할 수 없을만큼 싸다. 한국의 4분의 1가격이라나? 차 살 때 새차를 사는 경우는 없고, 대개 중고차를 사게 되는데, 한 5천불 정도면 괜찮은 거 사고 그게

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  • 맘으로 시작했습니다.괜히 제가 도움도 못되고 폐를 끼치지나 않을까하는 생각에 특히나 국제마케팅과 글로벌마케팅의 차이를 잘알지 못했기때문에 더 걱정스러웠습니다.여기저기 자료를 찾아보고 읽어보고 그래도 혼자 이해하긴 좀 버거운거 같았는데 조장님 말씀을 듣고나니 이해하기가 좀 쉬웠습니다. 감사해하고 있어요.^^ 글로벌마케팅의 성공사례를 조사하면서 놀라움이 젤 컸던거 같습니다.전세계를 무대로 전세계인들이 공감할수있는 제

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