[국제경영전략] 나이키의 국제시장 마케팅 성공 전략(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.12.14 / 2019.12.24
  • 14페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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1. Introduction
1.1 Overview

2. Strategic Analysis
2.1 Industry Analysis
2.2 Marketing strategy

3. Comparative Analysis
3.1 SWOT
3.2 Competitor

4. Conclusion
2.2 Marketing strategy

We can see the Nike’s famous “Swoosh mark” which is symbol of victory in the hat of Eminem who is the famous rapper, in the left chest of Tiger Wood’s T-shirt who is the genius golfer and in the shoes of Ji-sung Park who is the Korean football player. Phillip Knight, the founder of Nike once said “We sell the victory not only shoes”. It show us the features of Nike’s brand marketing.
To begin with, I will talk about STP strategy which is one of the most important strategies of Nike. First, Segmentation which means Nike divide local market according to its potential and Adidas’s market share. In U.K and Scandinavia(Demand potential is very high and Adidas’ market share is low), In this case, Reebok is also powerful competitor in U.K market, Nike thought good rather than bad in terms of Adidas’ market share. In Benelux, Swiss (Demand potential is high, Adidas’s market share is high) There is no famous existing brand, Nike try to broaden their market share. In Germany, Italy, France (Demand potential is high, Adidas’s market share is very high) Everybody knows Adidas is Germany’s sports products brand, France has Le coq sportif. In this case, Nike faced difficulties to enter the market.
Secondly, I talk about targeting , In Germany, France, U.K is although as I said above, each country has their own existing brand, but in perspective of large population which means demand potential is really high. They can’t give up these big markets. So, Nike have using so many marketing strategy to enter the market of these countries. I’ll explain later. In U.K case is also use English, so Nike can do reapplication of marketing strategy which was used in America.
Thirdly, I talk about positioning , Nike positioned as “The shoes for champions” and “American Athletic shoes”
Next, I will explain about Brand Value Strategy. First, Individual Sponsorship, Nike support athlete who has strong unique features. Finally they build common image “player + Nike” player become as a hero Nike changes slogan “Aspiration to Inspiration” it means that crams Our head with image which is “Nike is the most great and sincerity company in the world. And Nike also try to change their promotion strategy and sponsorship perspective from Global Marketing to localization.
And Nike build local subsidiary firm in the advertising perspective all around the world. Total budget for advertising: Adidas(4 million$), Nike(100 million$)
Secondly, I explain about Ambush marketing, Ambush marketing itself is a marketing campaign that takes place around an event but does not involve payment of a sponsorship fee to the event. And find ways to promote themselves in connection with the same event, without paying the sponsorship fee and without breaking any laws. We can see in this case of :1998 France World Cup”, Adidas is official sponsor of the world cup, but Nike is try to promote himself in connection with the same event. Nike is not a official sponsor, but they do individual sponsor in some national teams such as Brazil who is the winner of the World Cup and Korea. Thirdly, Just Do It campaign which is the most popular campaign of Nike Nike try to make their image as New Nike which means they try to add Traditional and functionality ‘s image in the past + Suitability and Lifestyle’s image. This campaign carried out among 80 countries simultaneously. Nike also try to focus on their Air products during this campaign. As you can see the pictures of famous shoes named Air Jordan. After Just do it campaign, everybody knows about the “NIKE AIR”.

3. Comparative Analysis

3.1 SWOT of Nike

SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues

http://blog.naver.com/songman7 “송교수의 마케팅 클럽” – Nike’s marketing strategy
검색일자 : 2010. 4. 21
Pateora, Mcgraw-Hill “International marketing”



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