[국제문화]중국과 영국에서 인터넷 문화 연구(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2010.08.14 / 2019.12.24
  • 12페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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1. Introduction
2. Background to the research
3. Methodology
4. Research result
5. Internet media of China & British
6. Internet regulation in China
7. UK Government and the Control of Internet Content
8. Conclusion
< U.K >

1969s, DoD(Department of Defense) United Stated developed initial Internet ARPANET. It was built by DoD, for the military that is Internet origin. 1973s, United Stated tried to connect to another countries used ARPANET. Participated United Stated, and Norway, and U.K. It was first international connection.
Like this U.K took part early Internet, built stable position. It was possible, U.K’s stable politics and the Industrial Revolution middle of 18C through social and economy changed. So, U.K could be focused to technology innovation and economy development. In this history situation U.K could become most preceding country in Europe. Representative country democracy, through the Internet, citizen’s right to know and right to opinion express were respected, rapid information communications could make environment.
But past result does not influence to nowadays. Lagging development, U.K was turned over among communication countries and the Internet distribution rate equaled low level countries.
For this problem, U.K stated 30million pounds invested to broadband services to purpose diffusion. Also in Europe, highest membership fee, British Telecoms (BT), extraordinary downed for became more members broadband services in U.K.
The Internet environment in U.K was made under the democracy. When use the Internet anonymity and false name are suggested for free communications and expression. It is effect to privacy invasion prevent. Also vote through Internet, induce citizen’s political join, so show off democracy country characteristic.

5. Internet media of China & British

The Rate of Internet usage

400 million people in China is currently using Internet in 2010. (CNNIC, 2010)1 (total population: 1.33 billion) And 38.8 million people in Britain is currently using Internet in 2010. (UKMOM, 2010)2 (total population: 60 million)
Based on the research, the percentage of Internet usage is 31% in China and 64% in the Britain.

The number of Chinese internet user is more over ten-times than Britain user.
However, The percentage of British Internet usage is over than twice.

Purpose to using Internet

And the purpose to use internet of Chinese is IM 91.3%, Online Music 91%, Online Movie/ Video 82.9%, Search 73.4%, Online Games 68.2%, News 63.4%, Email 58.0%. (TRENDSPOTTING, 2008)3

6. Internet regulation in China
Sexually Explicit Content Filtering
A preliminary round of testing examined 795 distinct URLs containing sexually explicit images.
These URLs had been used as the basis for a portion of Benjamin Edelman’s expert testimony in
Multnomah County Public Library, et al. v. United States (http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/people/
edelman/mul-v-us/). He generated this list by collecting all 797 results from Google listings in
response to an October 2001 Web search using the search criteria “free adult sex.” He removed two pages because they didn’t include sexually explicit images. Of the 752 pages still providing content at the time of our testing, 101 were blocked in China (13.4%). Edelman previously found that leading commercial filtering applications blocked 70 percent to 90 percent of these sites (http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/people/edelman/pubs/aclu-113001.pdf). We infer from this that China (unlike Saudi Arabia, given data at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filtering/saudiarabia) has not relied upon commercial filtering applications to salt its own list of blocked sites of this sort.

Non-Sexually Explicit Content Filtering
Our main testing examined Web sites drawn from categories other than sexually explicit content.
We seeded this site list from multiple sources. For example, we extracted from Yahoo all Web sites
in certain categories (including those specifically about education, entertainment, news, major
world governments, and politics) as well as all sites in the non-English regional versions of Yahoo that specifically concern China and Taiwan (cn.dir.yahoo.com and tw.dir.yahoo.com).
We conducted searches on terms likely to yield sensitive results and thus candidates for blocking,
both in English and in Chinese, using the Google search engine, and placed the top results
into our list of URLs to test. We tracked approximately 5,000 additional sites submitted by Internet
users to our Real-Time Testing System (http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filtering/china/test) through September 2002, and we received email suggestions of further sites to test. The result of these data sources was a list of 203,217 distinct host names. We found that a total of 18,931 of these sites (9.3 percent) were blocked in China. A full listing of blocked sites is available at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filtering/china.

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21. TRENDSPOTTING. Handbook of Online China. (2008). p p9.
22. UK Online Measurement Company (UKOM). (2009).
23. WIKIPEDIA-The Free Encyclopedia.
24. China Internet Network Information Center, http://cnnic.cn
25. UK Online Measurement Company (UKOM), 2009
26. TRENDSPOTTING, Handbook of Online China, 2008 p.9
27. Office for National Statistics, Internet Access Households and Individuals, 2009 p.11
28. Sysomos Inc, Exploring the Use of Twitter Around the World, 2010
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