[마케팅전략] CJ 행복한 콩 마케팅전략 분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.01.11 / 2019.12.24
  • 29페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
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Ⅰ. Executive Summary

Ⅱ. Situation analysis
- The Internal Environment
- The Customer Environment
- The External Environment

Ⅲ. SWOT Analysis
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats

Ⅳ. Marketing goals, objectives, and strategies

Ⅴ. Marketing Implementation

Ⅵ. Financial Information

Ⅶ. Conclusion and Implication

Ⅷ. References
Current and anticipated cultural and structural issues
We can think about three variations in current and anticipated cultural and structural issues. First, people

want handiness and high nutrition food, due to increasing of working women, a nuclear family and busy

city life. Secondly, customer highly concerned health/diet, so they want to buy health and low calorie

food. Finally, because of melamine and poisonous food accidents, people want to purchase safety food.

Tofu can satisfy above customers.

The Customer Environment
Current and Potential Customers
According to the presentation of the results of (Korea Food & Drug Administration related sanitation of tofu study in 2005, 86% of Korean usually eat tofu more than one time a week, also 14% less of Korean eat tofu less than one time two week. When people purchase tofu, first of all, consider good taste, and then thought price, product brand, convenience of purchasing so on. In addition, the majority of the housewives prefers to package tofu better than non-package tofu because package tofues are thought more convenience and clean. Therefore, we can say that the majority of Korean is current and potential customers

Customer’s Need for “HAPPY BEAN”
HAPPY BEAN`s the major targets are 20s~30s housewives and women. This generation more considers products design, rationalize price, and clean. ‘HAPPY BEAN’ can satisfy their desire. Especially, ‘TOFU’, substitute tofu is suitable nourishing meal to young and busy women in well-being era, also diversity of products line make customers to select in plenty.

Rationale of Non-customers
The start of the new products year, a market share was just 8%, but every year a share rising steadily. Finally, this May 2008 a market share was increased until 24.5%, but Pulmuone, competitive company got a market share 51.5%. Because of customers` high loyalty for Pulmuone company which had made tofu for around 20 years. Therefore, CJ do the diversity strategy, events and promotion to gain like that customers.

The External Environment
Tofu `s competition product is a Soy Day in Pulmuone company. Even thought, Market share of the packed tofu is lower than Pulmuone, Tofu came out earlier than Soy Day. Therefore, Tofu’s recognition is higher than Soy Day. In addition, customer evaluate that Tofu is tastier. Thus, Tofu is more competitive in substitute tofu market.

Comparison with Pulmuone in the field of tofu
CJ Pulmuone
23.0% Market share of the packed tofu 53.8%
310 billion(\) The sales 700 billion(\)
morning tofu
tofu for stew Main commodities - Organic tofu
- Home tofu
tofu and the boiled rice
- Home bean soup New items
New items - SOY DAY(pudding)
-Comfort tofu by domestic bean
Choi Ji-Hyun the rest.2007. Improved scheme for connection between food industry and agriculture. Korea Rural Economic Institutes
Han Sang-bae. 2005. Research related to sanitation of tofu. Korea Food & Drug Administration
Liu, KeShun (1997), Soybeans: Chemistry, Technology, and Utilization, Springer
"Deep Seawater Business to Develop Local Economies". Japan for sustainability. Retrieved on 2008-01-05
Barry, Baker, Ellinger, Hopkin. Financial Management in Agriculture

http://www.cj.co.kr http://www.happycong.co.kr
http://www.pulmuone.co.kr http://www.kiet.re.kr/index.jsp
http://www.manet.go.kr http://www.nso.go.kr
www.wikipedia.or.kr www.thinkfood.co.kr
www.fnnews.com www.hankyoung.com
http://dart.fss.kr/ http://english.cj.net/
www.wikipedia.org www.thinkfood.co.kr
www.fnnews.com www.hankyoung.com

Press Release
http://www.e-today.co.kr/200707/news/newsview.php?TM=news&SM=0101&idxno=182355 2008-09-03


1. Synopsis and Major aspect of the marketing plan
The last paper, we just focused on total 'HAPPY BEAN'
But we change more specific from total 'HAPPY BEAN' to 'substitute tofu'
Thus, we also change Synopsis and Major aspect of the marketing plan properly.

2. The Internal Environment
Delete 'Table 1-1 Scale and growth rate of soybean curd market and
Table 1-2 Market share of packed tofu in The Internal Environment.
Move to Economic Growth and Stability in The External Environment part
In addition we change a little Current and anticipated cultural and structural issues

3. The Customer Environment
We deleted some unnecessary contents. (Where and how customers purchase "happy bean?”)

4. The External Environment
We explain why CJ has more competitive than competitor
In addition, we change little Socio-cultural Trends.

5. SWOT Analysis
Weakness: As we mentioned earlier, we set on the new target. They would like to eat the substitute tofu wherever they want such as work places, park, and or something. We have thought that they may think it is not comfortable to eat morning tofu outside and it is not easy to accept this eating pattern.
Opportunity: People who has some trouble in eating increased. We thought that this kind of situation is socio-trend.
6. Marketing goals and objectives
We have thought we need to choose marketing goal more detailed because we should increase the sales of morning tofu. We set the goal of increasing brand awareness of Morning tofu.
7. Marketing Strategies & Implement
Product: We made a kind of new product, Tofu smoothie which has unique and trendy package.
Distribution: We add special target such as workers, children, and college students, etc. Therefore, we plan to distribute our product to the place where they are.
Promotion: We also focus on the target in promoting our product. We intend to inform the strength of morning tofu to them (model association and so on).
8. Financial information & conclusion part
We change balance sheet and income statement are based on the results about CJ happy bean. And complement key financial indicators are corrected entirely. Also, debt burden ratio is added. In addition, our reports newly concluded from some changes above

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