[환경행정론] 중국의 쓰레기 문제(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.08.31 / 2019.12.24
  • 15페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Current situations regarding waste disposal in China
1) Waste generation & the Existing problems
2) Two common systems in waste disposal & the Existing problems
2)-1. Landfill
2)-2. Incineration
Ⅲ. Theoretical analysis of the waste problems
1) Material balance approach & The fundamental perspective
2) Environmental Kuznets Curve
Ⅳ. Alternative policy
Ⅴ. Conclusion
VI. References
Ⅲ. Theoretical analysis of the waste problems
We can approach to the analysis of problems to be solved at both a micro and macro level. What we will deal with is the environmental problems taking place all over China, which are characterized by a mix of pervasive influences and a number of factors. It follows that it is more appropriate to take a macro approach which enables us to see problems systemically and to offer comprehensive prescriptions

1) Material balance approach & the fundamental perspective
1)-1. The basic approach: material flow cycle
Material balance approach puts emphasis on the concept of material flow cycle. In general perspective it provides a fundamental explanation about the reason why these situations occur and cause the problems. Resources taken from the nature are consumed in human’s activity and particularly an economy system, but these are remained in the nature as another output. In other word, the material or substance never disappear and travel in system of economy linking to environment. The materials are put into input, produce output and externalities through resource-consuming process. It may be expressed with a formula like as following.
Total amount of input = output + externalities
It indicates that the total amount of something as a resource we use in our activities is not changed after they are consumed.
This theoretical approach with MBA changes our general idea, “use and disappear” and it makes us be aware of the environmental consciousness.

1)-2. Application
First, these situations like widespread solid and air pollution, threat resident’s health, residential environment problem and sanitary problem are plenty of externalities to which china is not responding appropriately or can’t have the ability to react.
Next, on the assumption that material flow cycle is an arranged casual relationship, we can see that plenty of externalities are finally the results of the output and the connected circumstance to that. In our analysis, a lot of waste is the primary output as a residual at the end of the material flows and a lot of pollutant released in waste disposal process is the additional output. We found also a notable fact that Chinese’s immature citizens and environment consciousness has a great deal of influence on the overfull output.
And last, the overfull output comes from the overfull input. The reasons the amount of input is large in China are huge population and a growing industrial activities with rapid economic development. Before the analysis is conducted, it was likely to conclude these two reasons are the fundamental cause of our problems and it looked so difficult to solve because it is almost impossible to control the amount of input directly in realistic. However, in material balance
-Steven F. Hayward, “The China Syndrome and the Environmental Kuznets Curve”, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (November-December 2005):1-6

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