영문 ANNIEHALL 애니홀 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
written by
Woody Allen
Marshall Brickman
(Sound and Woody Allen monologue begin)
White credits dissolve in and out on black screen. No sound.
FADE OUT: credits
Abrupt medium close-up of Alvy Singer doing a comedy monologue. He
wearing a crumbled sports jacket and tieless shirt; the background is stark.
Theres an old joke. Uh, two elderly
women are at a Catskills mountain
resort, and one of em says: "Boy, the
food at this place is really terrible."
The other one says, "Yeah, I know, and
such ... small portions." Well, thats
essentially how I feel about life. Full
of loneliness and misery and suffering
and unhappiness, and its all over much
too quickly. The-the other important
joke for me is one thats, uh, usually
attributed to Groucho Marx, but I think
it appears originally in Freuds wit and
its relation to the unconscious. And it
goes like this-Im paraphrasing: Uh ...
"I would never wanna belong to any club
that would have someone like me for a
member." Thats the key joke of my adult
life in terms of my relationships with
women. Tsch, you know, lately the
strangest things have been going
through my mind, cause I turned forty,
tsch, and I guess Im going through a
life crisis or something, I dont know.
I, uh ... and Im not worried about aging.
Im not one o those characters, you know.
Although Im balding slightly on top, thats
about the worst you can say about me. I,
uh, I think Im gonna get better as I get
older, you know? I think Im gonna be the-
the balding virile type, you know, as
opposed to say the, uh, distinguished
gray, for instance, you know? Less Im
neither o those two. Unless Im one o
those guys with saliva dribbling out of
his mouth who wanders into a cafeteria
with a shopping bag screaming about
Annie and I broke up and I-I still cant
get my mind around that. You know, I-I
keep sifting the pieces of the relationship
through my mind and-and examining my life
and tryin to figure out where did the
screw-up come, you know, and a year ago we
were... tsch, in love. You know, and-and-and
... And its funny, Im not-Im not a
morose type. Im not a depressive character.
I-I-I, uh,
you know, I was a reasonably happy kid,
I guess. I was brought up in Brooklyn
during World War II.
Alvy as young boy sits on a sofa with his mother in an old-fashioned,
cluttered doctors office. The doctor stands near the sofa, holding a
cigarette and listening.
(To the doctor)
Hes been depressed. All off a sudden,
he cant do anything.
Why are you depressed, Alvy?
(Nudging Alvy)
Tell Dr. Flicker.
(Young Alvy sits, his head down. His
mother answers for him)
Its something he read.
(Puffing on his cigarette and
Something he read, huh?
(His head still down)
The universe is expanding.
The universe is expanding?
(Looking up at the doctor)
Well, the universe is everything, and if
its expanding, someday it will break apart
and that would be the end of everything!
Disgusted, his mother looks at him.
What is that your business?
(she turns back to the doctor)
He stopped doing his homework.
Whats the point?
(Excited, gesturing with her hands)
What has the universe got to do with it?
Youre here in Brooklyn! Brooklyn is not
(Heartily, looking down at Alvy)
It wont be expanding for billions of years
yet, Alvy. And weve gotta try to enjoy
ourselves while were here. Uh?
He laughs.
Fall shot of house with an amusement-park roller-coaster ride built over it.
A line of cars move up and then slides with great speed while out the window
of the house a band shakes a dust mop.
My analyst says I exaggerate my childhood
memories, but I swear I was brought up
underneath the roller-
Alvy as a child sits at the table eating soup and reading a comic book while
his father sits on the sofa reading the paper. The house shakes with every
move of the roller coaster.
-coaster in the Coney Island section of
Brooklyn. Maybe that accounts for my
personality, which is a little nervous, I
Young Alvy at the food-stand concession watching three military men
representing the Army, the Navy and the Marines arm in arm with a blond woman
in a skirted bathing suit. They all turn and run toward the foreground. The
girl stops before the camera to lean over and throw a kiss. The sign over the
concession reads "Steves Famous Clam Bar. Ice Cold Beer, "and the roller
coaster is moving in full gear in the background.
You know, I have a hyperactive imagination.
My mind tends to jump around a little, and
have some trouble between fantasy and reality.
Full shot of people in bumper cars thoroughly enjoying bumping into each other
as Alvy father stands in the center of the track directing traffic.
My father ran the bumper-car concession.
(Alvy as a chil
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