뉴비틀 마케팅전략(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.08.31 / 2019.12.24
  • 10페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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About Volkswagen…
-Think small!-

The reasons Volkswagen struggle in market after 1970’s

1. Low exchange rate to dollar
2. Pressure of Japanese car
3. Doesn’t chase legal regulations for environment.
4. ‘Hatchbacks’ popularity was decreased.
5. Fuel cost is down.
Segmentation and Targeting
SWOT analysis

Market Analysis of New Beetle
The VW’s main marketing strategy

1. Emotional marketing
2. Nostalgia
3. Car design
4. Gradual open strategy
5. Retro marketing
Exhibition analysis

Exhibition 10

Exhibition 11
Future strategy

Baby boomers have memories about Beetle. They feel dim memories about Beetle in younger to see New Beetle. And now their children are independent, so they live alone or live with mate. They also have economic power. So, they have many advantages like that memory of beetle, and popularities high. But, despite of these advantages, baby boomers prefer to sedan or SUV.
But young generations don’t have memories of New Beetle. And they don’t have economic power to spend more money. But they are attracted to New Beetle, contrary to baby boomers. VW is appeal to young generations that unique and characteristic driving. And New Beetle’s image is also fit to young generations. Young generations think they are free and progressive people, unlike to common businessman. Or, they are elite and good to work in company, but in outside, they are free and unique. So, this image is fitted to new beetle’s image. Young generations think new beetle driver is have a leadership, charisma, and unique. Moreover, they have low economic power, but they don’t have to money for mid-size car, new beetle is expensive but in category in mini car, and this is get over to quality of new beetle.
Also new beetle can be reminded of baby boomers, but they think Beetle is just ‘toy car’, that images light. So, young generations are the best selection of targeting.

SWOT analysis


New Beetle is a German car with a tradition. It has a good performance based on the outstanding technology with the technological know-how of the German automakers. The New Beetle has a wide platform, high quality design, and boasts a strong engine. In addition, side airbags installed along with the ones in the front and the 4-wheel brakes will ensure safety. The smooth handling, six-speaker sound system and the spacious interior are also some of the attractive features. Thanks to the huge popularity of The Original Beetle, the expectations off the New Beetle are high. But the greatest strength of the New Beetle is the image that lets you express your identity and individuality in emotional aspects.


However, the prices were high compared to the other competing small cars. Also, since the unique design could give the toy-like feeling, consumers might doubt if it’s really drivable. These negative aspects are the weaknesses of the New Beetle’s image. The fact that the car went through a marketing crisis that almost forced the Beetle to exit cannot be left out either.


The research results showed that the New Beetle was appealing to various groups of consumers. This means that there exist a large targetable customer bases and market opportunities. In addition, the success of products such as New Passat and the success of target advertising the youth show the promise for success for the New Beetle. The friendly relations with the dealers in the market are a great opportunity for the New Beetle.


Small car market of US is already occupied over 1/3 and Japan’s car also occupies 15.4%. It will be competitive in this market. And recently, a preference of full-sized car and SUV is now being increased in US market. There will be huge threat to the New Beetle. In fact, New Beetle’s share declines approximately 5% below.
Market Analysis of New Beetle

Existing products new products

Market penetration

Product development
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