[마케팅계획] 인천 유나이티드 마케팅계획서(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.01.27 / 2019.12.24
  • 15페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Incheon united is...?

III. Present position of Incheon United

Ⅲ. Marketing planning

1. An analysis of professional football market

2. analysis of external factors

3. current marketing situation of The Incheounutd(S.W.O.T)

4. The new appropriate marketing goals of Incheon.

5. Detailed Goals

6. Targeting

7. Marketing Strategy

8. Execution Plan

9. Budgeting and expected profit

Ⅱ. Incheon united is...?

A. History
a. is founded in March, 2004.
b. regular league
c. is accomplisged of profitable management over three years(2006~2008)
- It is the first time for entire sport teams in Korea.
d. entered PO6 in 2009

B. The backgroud of foundation
a. The increasing in soccer through World Cup.
b. Application of the World cup stadium.
c. Get ready for (local connected team)? by changing the understandings of local residents.
d. To build local infrastructures which are proper for the foundation of soccer teams.
-Incheon International Airport, ports, sports stadiums, etc
C.Team's goal
a. Intend to build a cosmopolitan city
-Activating international exchange through sports, get ready for globalization of Incheon.
b. Strengthen the local economic power.
-Get ready for strengthen local economic power by creating enough new jobs, increasing income from tourism, etc.
c. Increasing in intimacy between government and residents
-More easier communication between the city hall and citizens by making the most of local team's characteristics.
d. Four ideologies of Incheon soccer team
-For the people, Global Incheon, growth Korea soccer, Good profit

III. Present position of Incheon United

A. Organization

B. The financial conditions (according to 2008)
a. the present condition of profit
- the sales : 18,800,000,000 won
- operating profit : 6,400,000,000 won
- net profit : 2,300,000,000 won
b. the present condition f property
- return on assets : 11,478,343,547 won
- fund total : 6,615,559,779
C. the result in the performances of professional soccer team
a. won the regular league in 2005
b. won the victory in the semifinal of play-off in 2005
c. entered PO6 in 2009
D. Interview with Ahn Jong Bok CEO (attach connected documents at the back of the report)
a. The teams which you want to do benchmarking
- Manchester United(UK)-A team which create 12억 per one player.
- Ajax(Nederland)-want to followe their youth soccer team system
b. How to get over the hardships from the problems with sponsors
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  • 인천-밴쿠버 노선에서 편명공유를 개시할 예정이다. 아시아나항공의 편명공유가 전 회원사로 확대될 경우 승객들은 스타 얼라이언스의 노선망을 통해 스타 회원사의 전 항공편을 하나의 항공사처럼 이용할 수 있게 된다. 또한 아시아나항공의 노선 망을 포함 시킨 세계 일주 요금이 출시될 예정이며, 향후 태평양 지역에 위치한 항공사들을 중심으로 구성되는 상품인 환태평양 요금 에도 아시아나항공의 노선을 포함시킨다는 계획이다. 아울러 고

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