[비교소비문화론] 소비자의 사회적 책임 의식과 좋은소비운동(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.01.18 / 2019.12.24
  • 27페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 2,400원
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Ⅰ. Eco-friendly Consumption
2. Eco-friendly food (Organic food)
3. Eco-friendly Transportation
4. Eco-friendly Clothes
5. Eco-friendly Housing
6. The recyclers

Ⅱ. Humanistic Consumption
1. Fair trade
2. Donation, fundraising through Consumption

Organic specialty store have increased. The oldest organic store is 한살림. Eco-생협 is the store by NGO, the Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice. There are organic store such as OrgaWhole food by 풀무원, Dearlife by 동원F&B, 초록마을 by 한겨레, O-food by 대상.

3. Eco-friendly Transportation
Seoul Song-Pa district office introduced a bicycle rental system, 2008 February, at first in Korea. Following this, many other district office join this system. You can see easily the short distance transportation ways on streets in Korea like bicycle, electronic hybrid car, electricity scooter.
Every city suffer from traffic jam, people pollute environment with consumption very expensive coal energy, and they waste the time on street all over the world. Until now, the bicycle is not evaluated good without a little group of people. The transportation apportionment of bicycle was only 1.2%, in 2008. The government announced a policy that they would make the 207km bicycle line in Seoul in order to increase transportation apportionment of bicycle to 10% in 2020.

Developmental background is two sides.
First is outside view. The oil price become higher and higher, and the coal fuel causes a lot of environmental problems like greenhouse effect, ozone depletion. So the government start to regulate the activity that be able to affect the environment.
With inside view, the change of consumer is the reason. Now, consumer thinks the environment more important than in the past. They realized the importance of environmental and healthy community. They think about not ‘what will I buy?’ but ‘What is it that makes me buy it?’ ,‘why will I buy?’

The popularity of eco-friendly transportation trend is not caused by ecological factors. This new transportation is charming, unfamiliar and fresh. So young and trendy consumers are fascinated by something stylish and freedom rather than environmental and economical efficiency.
The next generation transportation ways with unique appearance and eco-friendly characteristic is the new item that complete the style.

4. Eco-friendly Clothes
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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