[무역계약론] CISG Art. 57(대금지급장소)

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CISG Art.57 (대금지급장소)

CISG Art.57 Case 원본

사 건 개 요

사 건 요 약

사 건 전 문

사례에서의 Art 57조항

판 결

생 각
According to CISG Art. 1(1), the Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States: (a) when the States are Contracting States; or (b) when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a Contracting State. It is not in dispute that the cause for the deliveries of building material in the years 1998 and 1999 were sales contracts between the [seller], with place of business in Switzerland, and the [buyer], whose seat is in Poland. Since the requirements of CISG Art. 1(1)(a) are met, the Convention finds direct application, without recourse to the Swiss rules of private international law (cf. Ferrari in Schlechtriem (ed.), Kommentar zum Einheitlichen UN-Kaufrecht, 3d ed., Art. 1 n. 63; Siehr in Honsell (ed.), Kommentar zum UN-Kaufrecht, preamble n. 4 and Art. 1 n. 2; Staudinger/Magnus, Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, Wiener UN-Kaufrecht, Art. 1 n. 85; Neumayer/Ming, Convention de Vienne sur les contrars de vente internationale de marchandises, Commentaire, p. 42, Art. 1 n. 6; Witz/Salger/Lorenz, Internationales Einheitliches Kaufrecht, Art. 1 n. 11; Jean-Paul Vulliéty, Le transfert des risques dans la vente internationale, doctoral thesis, Geneva 1998, p. 47).

The CISG provides the substantive sales law for contracts for the international sale of goods, insofar as it contains provisions settling such matters (CISG Art. 7(2)). The rules of the Convention supersede the national law (cf. Siehr, op. cit., Art. 1 n. 1; Keller/Siehr, Kaufrecht, 3d ed., p. 156 and p. 178; Ferrari, op. cit., before Arts. 1 - 6 n. 24; Witz/Salger/Lorenz, op. cit., Art. 1 n. 12). However, the Convention itself does not regulate procedural matters and, consequently, the CISG does not provide for jurisdiction (Karollus in Honsell (ed.), Kommentar zum UN-Kaufrecht, Art. 31 n. 49 and Schnyder/Straub, ibid, Art. 57 n. 26). The jurisdiction of the competent court is to be determined according to the rules of private international law of the forum State (Neumayer/Ming, op. cit., p. 250, Art. 31 n. 14).

Following Art. 4(1) of the Lugano Convention, the Swiss IPRG [*] applies in this case. According to IPRG Art. 113, a claim may be filed with the Swiss court of the place of performance of the obligation in question if the obligation is to be performed in Switzerland, even though the defendant has neither a place of residence, nor a place of business in Switzerland. Under CISG Art. 57(1)(a), if the
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