[조직행동론] 티켓몬스터의 조직 구조 및 문화와 성공요인 분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.11.21 / 2019.12.24
  • 20페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Organizational Structure
1. Organization
2. Organic Structure
3. Functional Structure
4. Contingencies of Organizational Structure
Part3: Organizational Culture
1. Organizational Culture Profile
2. Dominant Culture & Subculture
3. Artifacts in Organizational Culture
4. Functions of Strong Cultures
5. Contingencies of Organizational Culture
6. Organizational Outcomes
Part4: Conclusion
Reference Materials
Work Cited
It is evident that Ticket Monster is organic structure. Span of control is small for three departments, except sales department. The superior manages less than twenty subordinates. Sales department is composed of one hundred forty members, however, it has efficient team system. Each team has only seven members, therefore, it is small group. The entire organization is made up of four layers, so it is flat structure. It is very fast to report about business to chief executive officer and communicate between CEO and subordinates because of flat structure.

2) Decentralized structure
The authority is decentralized rather than centralized. Each subordinate who is responsible of his own region conducts business activities spontaneously. It is the subordinate's responsibility to make all procedures of business which starts from searching appropriate items to contact affiliate company. Any instruction and control from superior does not exist in this company. Employees possess high responsibility and authority.

3) Formalization
Ticket Monster, the brokerage company, focuses on sales. For instance, tasks and behavior rules of manufacturing industry are generally formalized. Social commerce, however, aims at sales, so it makes hard to have tasks formalized.

4) Organic structure
As mentioned before, Ticket Monster is flat and decentralized structure, not tall and centralized structure. Also, tasks are free from ready-made forms. It is said that this kind of structure is organic. Organic structure has flexibility which handles with rapid environment change and customers' needs.

3. Functional structure
Ticket Monster started with only five members. It did not have simple structure: one representative and subordinates, but functional structure: representative, sales director, director of contents, finance director, and marketing director. As the company becomes bigger, four departments were made and they made Ticket Monster a functionally well-organized company. Ticket Monster acquired tasks specialty through functionalized organization.
So far Ticket Monster does not have task force team or Matrix organizational structure. It may not feel the necessity of making these forms of team, because it values free communication between employees. However, as it has more subordinates and aims for advancing into China, we expect that Ticket Monster would have new organizational structure.

4. Contingencies of Organizational Structure
Contingency approach is critical point for organizational design. Now, we focus on external environments of Ticket Monster and social commerce industry. The external environment means anything outside which influences on the organization. It has four situations: dynamism, complexity, diversity, and hostility.
First of all, Ticket Monster has very dynamic environment. It has high rate of change because of the characteristics of social commerce industry. It changes its selling points, not only products, but also market and target customer. It can not keep its same customer steadily. Now, many companies exist so when rival company sells better items for each day, Ticket Monster loses its customer.
Next, Ticket Monster has complex structure. It is not like manufacturing industry which focuses on simple works like mak
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