[경영정보시스템, MIS] Electronic Passport(전자여권)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.08.31 / 2019.12.24
  • 11페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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1. Business Description

1) Specialized in Travel - Electronic Passport

2. Analysis of the Proposal

1) Feasibility Study
2) SWOT Analysis

(1) Strength
(2) Weakness
(3) Opportunity
(4) Threat
3. Design of the Business

1) Product
2) Customer
3) Market Conditions
4) Expected Profit & Cost
4. What Activities Need for This Program?
5. Results
(1) Strength

With the smart phone or the smart pad of existing different will be able to use from the space where there is not the Internet. Leads fingerprint recognition etc. and the security characteristic. Holds during that time and complicatedly the travel books which comes and goes not to make be a necessity and become and the burden to be convenient. With GPS functions there being a possibility of seeking a fast road from travel.

(2) Weakness

About reduction there being the passport/visa issuing expense will be able to increase with many kinds functional loading. The Internet does not become in quick update disadvantage.

(3) Opportunity

There being could be satisfied the demand of all overseas travelers with the product which has become anger to travel. When now the passport when makes in the forgery passport and the money becomes plentifully to steal and goes the security characteristic is augmented with opposing fingerprint recognition etc., is stolen and goes but the possibility of sweeping is not losing danger decreases.

(4) Threat

With the smart phone there being the existing passport like that there will be a function which is similar and will be able to use.

3. Design of the Business

1) Product

The mobile product we provide to customer is electronic passport. This electronic passport has many essential functions for tourists. This passport has necessary personal information for travel. But existing passport (old type passport) has chance that is stolen. Stolen passport can be abused for crimes but this electronic passport doesn’t have these chances. In order to implement this passport, users must need owner’s fingerprints.

Even if someone doesn’t owner of passport acquires this item, he or she can’t use this. So it couldn’t be abused for crime when owner loses this passport. Whereas using this passport, when users go through the entry procedure he or she can simplify entering much faster than old day. Also other function is existed.

When tourist arrive another country, tourist can update information about that country at airport. It can be updated huge quantities information like the famous or the cheapest restaurants in that country, fresh hotel or accommodations, cultural heritage of travel destination and the fastest way between departures and destination. For this information, tourists can adapt new place they tour much faster than before they didn’t use it. And exchange rate and weather that always can change also you can update at the airport comfortably.

The key function this electronic passport is whenever wherever you want to
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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