[인적자원관리] 현대자동차 HRM(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.02.25 / 2019.12.24
  • 16페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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목 차
I. Introduction

II. HR Policy
1. Recruitment and Selection

2. Training, Education, Development :
3. Performance management
4. Compensation
1) Pay

III. Problems and solutions
1. Training (for production position)
1) Problems
(1) Insufficiency of training system
(2)Lack of motivation for participation in training
(3) Problem due to labor-management relations

(2)Solutions for training

1) Specializing,subdividing and systematizing training
2) Training linked to incentives and promotion
3) Co-operation between workers and management

2. Acquisition of Kia Motor
1) What Hyundai Motor did to integrate HR system

(1)Psychological problems of employees
(2)Coordination problem
(1)Cultivate a new culture
(2)Support community activities and plan events
(3)Co-education programs
3. Temporary Employee

4. Problems and solutions for Gender discrimination
Ⅳ. Conclusion
- Children tuition support : it consists of all educational fees during middle, high school and college
- Hospital fee support: total amount of health insurance fee for employee and a half for immediate family
- Car discount: Hyundai Motors Car discount depending on the working periods
- Four seasons resort: usable domestic condo and hotel in free or a half price through partnership
- Residence support: bachelor accommodation/ company housing/rented apartment and company loan system
- Personal pension support: use a certain amount for personal pension after retirement.
- Other systems: gift for holiday, employee wedding hall, commuter bus, reward for long term employee, overseas trip

III. Problems and solutions
1. Training (for production position)
1) Problems
(1) Insufficiency of training system
Training system for general positions is sophisticated while training system for production positions is not. Due to the flexible production system, required skills to production workers are changing. The role of indirect workers and skills such as equipment control, monitoring, maintenance and repair is becoming more important. But current training system is not enough to respond to this change. Especially, because the usage of advanced facilities and new technologies is increasing although workers do not catch these new skills. Sometimes, if the equipment fails, workers ask a machinery repair to machinery producer.
In addition, the majority of the workers in direct department are working with tacit knowledge accumulated during long work experience. Therefore, the workers rely on the skills and management of upper layer workers. However, company's training ability for increasing upper worker’s expertise is not sufficient.
(2)Lack of motivation for participation in training
Hyundai Motor's training is not associated with the wages and promotion. Promotion

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  • [인적자원관리] 모집, 선발, 배치에 관한 연구
  • 인적자원관리론(교재)⊙박동서, 인사행정론, 법문사, 2001⊙박천오 외, 인사행정의 이해, 법문사, 2000조 발표모집, 선발, 배치에 관한 연구목 차I.현재 인사 분야의 추세 II.모집1모집의 정의와 의의2모집시 기업태도3모집의 과정 및 방법4모집시 고려되는 분석사항5모집의 평가III.선발1선발의 정의와 의의2선발의 과정과 도구3선발결정 요인4선발활동시 고려 사항5선발도구의 평가(선발원칙)IV.배치1인력배치의 정의와 의의2인력배치시의 원

  • [기업윤리경영] 삼성전자 기업윤리 사례
  • 인적자원 . p.385. 삼성전자의 녹색경영 p.426. 삼성전자의 사회공헌활동 . p.557. 삼성전자의 스포츠 스폰서쉽 활동 p.668. 삼성전자의 광고전략 - 또 하나의 가족 캠페인

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