일본의 화장품시장 분석 및 진출 방안 연구(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2012.09.20 / 2019.12.24
  • 57페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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I. Environment Analysis
Country overview
A. Cross-Cultural Risk
1. Cultural Difference
i. Language
2. Attitude toward foreigners
3. Negotiation style
i. Trust
ii. The role of intermediaries
4. Decision-making styles
i. Nemawashi
ii. Ringiseido
5. Ethical practices
i. Honne vs Tatemae
ii. Enryo
iii. Haji and Sekentei
6. Implication of Cross-cultural risk
B. Country Risk
1. Political condition
2. Laws and regulations related to foreign firms
3. Corruption and other ethical blunders
4. Bureaucracy and red tape
5. Government intervention, protectionism, and barriers to trade and investment
i. SPS
6. Country issue
i. Dokdo
ii. Earthquake
7. Implication of country risk
C. Currency Risk
1. Currency Exposure
2. Foreign Taxation
i. Corporate status
ii. Enterprise Taxation according to its income
3. Inflation
i. Japan’s inflation rate
ii. Japan inflation and its effects on Yen
iii. Investing in the Yen
4. Implication of Currency Risk

II. Investment Strategy
A. Japanese Cosmetics Market Analysis
1. Main market trends
2. SWOT Analysis
B. Laws related with cosmetics
1. Pharmaceutical Affairs Law(PAL)
C. Selecting Entry mode
D. Selecting partner
E. International Operation
1. Factors we need
i. Lab
ii. Facility
iii. Labor
iv. Raw material
v. Promotion & Distribution
2. Location
i. Lab– Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea
ii. Facility
3. Centralization Strategy
4. Make or buy decision
F. Marketing products
1. STP strategy
i. Segmenting & Targeting
2. 4P strategy
i. Product
ii. Price
iii. Place
iv. Promotion
v. Branding

III. Conclusion


I. Environment Analysis

Lately, South Korea's cosmetic companies are actively entering Japanese market. In particular, low-priced brand companies entering are remarkable. Continuing the long-term recession, Japanese consumers find inexpensive cosmetics. Through this period, cosmetics of South Korea draw popular through low price and good quality. Celebrity publicity is also influence. A famous makeup artist in Japan recommended cosmetics of South Korea, and Japanese people coming to South Korea to buy cosmetics. The same is Korean wave. Because of the popularity of Korean celebrities, the sales of product which is the popularity as a model, also has skyrocketed. Also the size of Japanese cosmetics market are the world’s second large. So thanks to these market conditions in the Japanese cosmetics market, we, 美ME+ also is looking to expand our business.
This report is divided into two parts, the first half; we will talk about the Japanese market as a whole cultural risk, country risk, and currency risk. And in the later half; we will analysis the cosmetics market in Japan, and describe our company’s market strategy. After that, we will predict future prospects of our company.
1) Understanding of Japan, Thaehaksa, 2006
2) Chrysanthemum and the sword, Ruth Benedict, 1946

2) Negotiating International Business, Lothar Katz, 2008
3) Decision Making Processes in Japanese Management, Klaus Karki, Sophia University in Tokyo
4) Communicating with Japanese in Business, JETRO, 1999
5) Management Practices in the United States, Japan, and the People's Republic of China, Industrial Management, Heinz Weihrich
6) 2011 Report on Sanitary and phytosanitary Measures, Ambassador Ronald Kirk
7) AMB Country Risk Report, September 28, 2011
8) Capital Markets special report, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 2011
9) Guidebook for Export to Japan 2011, JETRO
10) Research for global cosmetic market, Foundation of Korea Cosmetic Industry Institute
Chungcheongbuk-do;4.9232, Survey of Business Activities, Korean Statistical Information Service, 2009, 2-digit
10) Number of population in Kobe, City of Kobe, 2009
11) Changes in proportion of R&D cost comparing to sales, Korea Cosmetic Association, 1997-2007
12) Cosmetics and Toiletries Market Overview, U.S. Commercial Service

1) Kotra (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)(www.kotra.or.kr)
2) JETRO (http://www.jetro.go.jp/)
3) Background Note: Japan, U.S. Department of State (http://www.state.gov), March 5, 2012
4) 2012 index of economic freedom (http://www.heritage.org/index/country/japan)
5) Korea Japan Cooperation Foundation (www.kjc.or.kr)
6) Australian Trade Commission (http://www.austrade.gov.au/)
7) Yano Economic Research Institute (http://www.yanoresearch.com/)
8) 2011 - 2012 Tax Rate Guide and Tax Help Website, 2012 (http://www.taxrates.cc/html/japan-tax-rates.html)
9) Chungbuk Techno Park Bio Center, (http://www.cbtp.or.kr/bio/index.php)
10) Invest KOBE (http://www.city.kobe.lg.jp/business/attract/invest-kobe/e/project/iryo/index.html)

1) ABC news, March 13, 2011 (http://abcnews.go.com/International/japanese-bureaucracy-delays-foreign-search-rescue-teams/story?id=13126904#.T9F6UFIldQs)
2) The Territorial Dispute Over Dokdo – Final, Korea Town News, 17 Aug 2008 (www.kncolorado.com)
3) “How Does Employee Motivation Impact Organizational Performance”, Shemiah Williams, 20 April 2011
4) BUREAUCRACY IN JAPAN: HISTORY, DAILY LIFE, POWERFUL MINISTRIES, AMAKUDARI AND REFORMS, Facts and details, (http://factsanddetails.com/japan.php?itemid=800&catid=22&subcatid=146)
5) The Issue of Takeshima, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (www.mofa.go.jp)
6) Information about Investment in Kobe, Jetro, (https://www.jetro.go.jp/en/invest/region/icinfo/kobe-city/)
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