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  • 2023.06.01 / 2023.06.01
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솔드 아웃 SOLD OUT
이 책은 기본적인 경제·금융 현상을 분석해 개인과 기업이 더 나은 관점과 경영방식, 즉 실물경제에 대한 가이드북을 갖도록 조언한다. 이미 한국 경제를 포함한 세계 경제 자체가 공급망 위기를 겪고 있으며, 경쟁이 심화되고 있는 헤게모니로 인해 이러한 현상 자체가 심화되고 있다. 특히 이 책은 한국 경제의 핵심 산업으로 볼 수 있는 분야를 통해 경제 현상과 미래 전망을 함께 진단한 것이 특징이다. 우리가 배터리와 바이오, 반도체와 해운 등 수출과 무역으로 먹고사는 것은 매우 중요한 산업이라고 볼 수 있는데, 이는 기업이나 창업, 기업 상황에서 대응하는 능력이 중요하다는 것을 의미한다. 물론 기본적인 경제학이나 금융현상을 통해 해결되는 책이고, 저자의 예측과 전망이 반드시 맞는 것은 아니지만, 우리가 어떤 분야에 집중해야 하는지를 배우고 더 나은 가치판단을 내릴 수 있을 것이다.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
  • [영어독후감] 걸리버여행기 등 영어독후감 12편 모음
  • 독후감)햄릿셰익스피어.hwp햄릿은 셰익스피어 4대 비극 중 하나로 아주 유명한 작품이다. 특히 ‘죽느냐 사느냐 그것이 문제로다’라는 말은 정말 유명하다.Hamlet is one of Shakespeares four greatest tragedies and is very famous. In particular, the phrase Dying or living is the problem is really famous.햄릿을 읽으며 비극의 씨앗은 결국 인물의 안에 들어있다는 생각을 하게 되었다.Reading Hamlet, I came to think that the seed of tragedy was in the character.햄릿은 신중하지만 우울하고, 우유부

  • 중학생 필독서(총 14권, 영문 원서 독후감 2편 포함)
  • and lived with Jennifer Hani when there was a problem with her fathers business, which he had illegally manipulated and sold used cars. When Matildas family suddenly had to ranaway to Spain and Matilda asks persuade her parents to leave her here and allows live with her teacher, Jennifer Hani visits Matildas parents and asks her to leave Matilda to herself. At that request, my father agrees too coolly and leaves for the airport. I wondered if Matilda was just happy to see her familys car leave with Jennifer Hani, and actually Matildas situation in the novel was not always bright to me.

  • [국제금융론] 일본의 외환시장 개입에 대한 기사 번역과 분석
  • sold the yen in the market on Wednesday for the first time in six years, trying to stop the currencys relentless climb from hurting exporters and threatening a fragile economic recovery. Fresh after a victory in party leadership contest, Japans Prime Minister Naoto Kan appeared to be stepping up efforts to wrench the country out of deflation by targeting yen strength, which has weighed on stock prices and corporate profits. Estimates vary on how much Japan has spent so far in its first intervention in the foreign exchange market since spending 35 trillion yen in 2003-2004. Dealers talk abou

  • [영어,노트,영어노트,talking,speaking,opic] 영어 노트
  • out of it: to be distracted or not feeling well• to be a wet blanket: to be boring when other people want to have fun• to beat around the bush: to avoid talking directly about something• to die with ones boots on: to approach ones task with extreme dedication, to refuse togive up• the skys the limit: to an in nite amount or degree• tact time: time needed for manufacturing a unit of a product2.15 Words and Phrases 75• turnover: The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or servicessold during a particular period of time (총매출).• as the crow ies

  • [금융학] 베어링스 은행(BARINGS) 파산사례(영문)
  • out from the market.*Strategy of Nick LeesonLeeson held long futures, JGB, Euroyen→ And add buying futures (about 60,000 contracts)to sell in price 19,000Crisis in NIKKEI But Leeson didn’t give up.After two weeks, price was bounce. By using his error account, Leeson launched an aggressive buying program, which summed up to 55,000 March 1995 contracts and 5,000 June 1995 contracts over the next three weeks.If he sold futures in price 19,000, he could revive.*Strategy of Nick Leeson Total losses are about 300 million pounds.

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