영문 Maurice 모리스 영화 대사

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  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Maurice Script
Thank you.
Come here, please.
- Sir?
- Come on.
Have a good send-off?
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Mr. Abrahams gave me a picture -
The Light of the World.
The fellas have given me a set of Guatemalas.
Up to two dollars!
The ones with the parrot
and the pillar on.
Look, sir.
Oh, splendid, splendid.
And, um, what did Mr. Abrahams say to you?
Told you you were a miserable sinner, I hope.
Mr. Abrahams said Im never to do anything...
Id be ashamed to do
in front of my mother.
He said my next school...
will be more like the world.
Did he? Did he?
Whats the world like, do you suppose?
Dont know, sir. Im a boy.
Do you, um, have
any older brothers, Hall?
No, sir. Only Kitty and Ada.
Theyre my sisters, sir.
No uncles?
No, sir.
Theres Dr. Barry.
He knew my father before he died.
So you dont really know
a- a great many grown-up fellows.
No, not really, sir.
Mother keeps a coachman...
and George for the garden.
But of course, you mean gentlemen.
Hall, Im going to talk to you
for a few moments...
as if I were your father.
It isnt anything your mother could say.
Do you - Do you see?
Your body...
is about to experience
various changes.
Physical changes.
Now, Mr. Abrahams has explained
to you that in the beginning...
"...God created he
man and woman...
that the earth
should be peopled abundantly."
Yes, sir. Sir...
what changes?
I speak, Hall...
of the sacred mystery of sex -
the act of procreation...
between a man and his wife.
The- The procreation indeed...
of all creeping things.
You will discover...
that your membrum virilis-
- Thats Latin from vir.
- Vir, sir. It means man, sir.
Very good. Very good.
Um, uh, look.
Uh, this might be easier if I -
That. That -That, um -
That thing.
There. Now, that will...
develop and grow larger.
You see?
And when that happens...
the man lies
very, very close to his wife...
and he puts his membrum virilis...
into her vagina...
Then, in due course,
she will bring forth his child.
Seminiferous tubules...
labia major and minor, ducts...
That- That is
the very crown oflife, Hall.
Gods wondrous purpose.
Your body is his temple.
You must never, ever
pollute that temple.
And when,
as one day I - Im sure you will...
you fall in love and marry,
you will discover...
to serve and protect a woman...
and have children by her...
is lifes chiefest glory.
Yes, sir.
You must never, ever mention
any of this to your mother...
or- or- or indeed to any lady.
And if at your next school
the fellows mention it...
just shut them up.
Tell them you know.
I think I shant marry.
Look, um, in years to the day...
I invite you and your wife to dine
with me and my wife as our guests.
- What do you say?
- Oh, sir.
Yes. Its a bargain then, is it?
Oh, God. Those infernal designs.
Sir, wont they be all right?
The tide will have covered them by now.
Oh, yes, the rising tide.
I only hope to God hes right...
by God.
Come, Victoria. Come.
Wagners utter rubbish.
Fat women with horns on their heads...
singing at the tops of their voices...
about how happy they are to be dying.
Its a horrible noise. And its unhealthy.
But music is about death. It always has been.
I think hes trying to provoke us.
Go on then, Risley. Enlighten us.
A superior mind wouldnt need enlightening.
Music is the highest of the arts.
It needs no reference to the figurative...
or the corporeal.
It is therefore, of all the arts,
the closest to death.
Wagners by no means unhealthy.
Hes merely expressing
most exactly the state of things.
Help yourselves to potatoes, Hall.
Dont stand on ceremony.
I cant stand music.
Or concert halls.
I dont go in for being superior.
- Dont you? I do.
- Come along, Chapman. Youre in need of food.
I expect Lord Risley isnt.
Ive put him off with my low talk.
I simply cant think of a reply to that.
What about saying nothing?
Say nothing? Horrible.
He must be mad.
What you do
is more important than what you say.
Your deeds are more important
than your words.
What is the difference?
Words are deeds.
Are you trying to say
that these few minutes talking...
in the deans rooms
have done nothing for you?
Will you, for instance,
ever forget that youve met me?
Youre confusing what is important...
with what is impressive.
Chapman and Hall will always remember
theyve met you. Of that I have no doubt.
Exactly. Because of my conversation.
Oh, theyll forget that they were engaged
in the act of eating a cutlet.
At least the cutlet does some good to them.
You do not.
I mean, Dean, that a cutlet
merely influences their subconscious life.
I, by my words,
shape the consciousness.
I am therefore not only
more impressive than the cutlet...
but infinitely more important.
Your dean here dwells in superstitious clouds
of Christian self-righteousness.
Your dean pretends that
only insensate faith is of any significance.
And daily he droops,
soporific, into his soup.
Oh, Risley, shut up.
Come on.
I think if a man has ideas like that...
he should have the courtesy
to keep them to himself.
No, no, no.
On the contrary, one mus
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회원 추천자료
  • 영화음악 분석 - 영화 음악의 정의와 작품과 음악 분석
  • 영화영화가 有聲化(유성화)함에 따라 음악이 중요한 표현수단이 되어 뮤지컬 분야가 개척되었다. 미국에서는 《브로드웨이 멜로디》(1929)로 대표되는 리뷰 형식과 《러브 퍼레이드》(1930)로 형식이 확립된 오페레타 스타일 등 두 종류의 방향이 1930년대에 이르러 제1기의 황금시대를 나타내었다. 특히 모리스 슈발리에와 자네트 맥도널드, 아스테어와 로저스 등 명(名)콤비가 활약하였고 더불어 브로드웨이 뮤지컬의 영화화도 성행하였다. 독일에서는

  • [고전소설][고대소설][영화화][게임화][시트콤화][동화화]고전소설(고대소설)의 영화화와 고전소설(고대소설)의 게임화 및 고전소설(고대소설)의 시트콤화 그리고 고전소설(고대소설)의 동화화에 관한 분석
  • 영화로 만든 (1979), (1986), (1987), (1992), (1993) 등의 영화는 특히 문학의 기풍을 그대로 살리면서도 우아한 스타일로 한 세대를 요약하는 형식미로 높은 평가를 받았다국내의 경우 대표적인 경우는 이다. 판소리를 기반으로 하는 고전 소설 은 1923년 일본인 ‘하야가와 고슈’를 통해 최초로 영화화되었다. 이후 35년

  • [A+] 뮤지컬 영화감상과 이해 요약 및 정리 1-15주차
  • 영화가 무성영화에서 유성영화로 변화함에 따라 음악이 중요한 표현수단이 되어 뮤지컬 분야가 개척되었다. 미국에서는 《브로드웨이 멜로디》(1929)로 대표되는 리뷰 형식과 《러브 퍼레이드》(1930)로 형식이 확립된 오페레타 스타일 등 두 종류의 방향이 1930년대에 이르러 제1기의 황금시대를 나타내었다. 특히 모리스 슈발리에와 자네트 맥도널드, 아스테어와 로저스 등 명(名)콤비가 활약하였고 더불어 브로드웨이 뮤지컬의 영화화도 성행하였다. 독

  • 폴 비릴리오 속도의 권력 화비판
  • , 앞의 책, p20235) 폴 비릴리오, 위의 책, p13936) 장세룡신지은, 앞 논문, pp.371~37237) 지각, 정치, 그리고 지식인 – 폴 비릴리오와 브뤼게의 대담 p.20138) 시사 저널 - http://www.sisapress.com/news/quickViewArticleView.html?idxno=3186239) 영화 CNN의 바그다드 통신(로버트 위너의 바그다드로부터의 생방송을 영화화한 것)의 대사40) 지각, 정치, 그리고 지식인 – 폴 비릴리오와 브뤼게의 대담 pp.204~20541) 폴 비릴리오, 앞의 책, pp280~28842) 장세룡신지은, 앞 논문, p.376

  • 전환시대의 감리교회
  • 모리스, 케이블, 모어 등 5명이었다. 이성경학원은 새롭게 만들어진 것이 아니라 기존의 신학회가 발전된 것이었다. 현재 한국 교회의 지도력은 세 부류로 나눌 수 있는데 하나는 전임으로 일하고 있는 전도사나 조사들로 이들은 보수를 받는 일꾼들이다. 둘째는 교회의 예배와 주일학교 등을 인도하고 있는 무보수의 평신도 지도자들이다. 셋째는 이미 나타나기 시작한 새로운 일꾼들로서 이들은 제 2세 교인에 속하는 젊은이들이며, 평생을 목회에 헌

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