영문 Killing Me Softly 킬링미 소프트리 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,000원
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Killing Me Softly Script
You know what happens
at that height?
The brain dies
from lack of oxygen...
cell by cell.
It just shuts down...
and the body goes with it.
I cant stop thinking about
what it must have been like.
Why dont you start
at the beginning?
Its always the easiest.
OK, Ill start
at the beginning.
I grew up on the plains
in Indiana.
I was a flatlander,
through and through.
To be honest...
I really didnt have
much to leave behind.
Virtually no family
and very few friends.
Anyway, it was January.
Id already been in London
a year and a half.
For the first six months,
Id been incredibly lonely.
Then I met Jake.
What I loved the most...
was how comfortable
we were with each other.
I felt safe.
OK, lets go.
I design CD-roms
and websites...
for corporate clients.
That must pay well.
It sounds fancier
than it is.
Jake was an engineer.
Tunnels and bridges,
that sort of thing.
He kept his tube tickets...
in a wallet he got
when he was twelve.
Same wallet,
same inside pocket.
Alice? Alice?
See you later.
Hey, Alice.
You going in?
Ill see you in a minute.
Reconfigure the training
program manual...
to make it look like
a game on the website.
We tried that with
the appliance kings.
Yes, but this isnt
about washing machines.
Now were training
a worldwide sales force.
Youre the new media pioneers.
Think of something.
Alice, you still have
the old template, dont you?
Are you with us, Alice?
Im going out
to get my hair trimmed.
Ill be back after lunch.
Oh, shoot!
And you got in?
I got in.
Whats your name?
Dont turn away.
Come here tomorrow.
I have to work.
Then come back tonight.
I cant.
Whenever you want, Alice.
You decide, and Ill be here.
I couldnt believe
what had happened that day.
I knew it shouldnt
happen again.
I wanted everything
back the way it was.
What do you want me to do?
Nothing, just keep doing
what youre doing.
That was when
I found out his name...
Adam Tallis...
and that he climbed mountains.
He caused quite a stir
here yesterday.
He saved
six people up there...
with no oxygen.
You stop me
whenever you want.
Please dont stop.
I bought your book today.
It isnt my book.
Im just in it.
It looks good.
People died, Alice.
Something went very wrong.
There was a woman
named Francoise Collette.
I lost the whole group.
I still dont understand
what happened.
There was no room for error.
Everything had been checked.
I was in love with her.
Do you know what its like
over feet?
Its like this.
Without air,
the brain cells die.
It shuts down.
and then the rest
of the body follows.
Its been two years...
and it doesnt go away.
I live with someone.
But youre here.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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