영문 the LongKiss Goodnight 롱키스 굿 나이트 영화 대사

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  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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The Long Kiss Goodnight Script
Well, its Christmastime,
pretty baby
And the snow
is falling on the ground
Got no sleigh with reindeer
No sack on my back
Youre gonna see me coming
In a big, black Cadillac
Oh, its Christmastime,
pretty baby
And the snow
is falling on the ground
Mrs Claus is hot!
Well, youve been
a real good lover...
My name is Samantha Caine.
At least, I think it is.
You might not believe it
to look at me,
but I was born only years ago
on a beach in New Jersey.
I entered the world fully grown,
wearing clothes
I dont remember buying.
In the back pocket a single
key, filed blank and faceless.
A fitting metaphor,
but no help whatsoever. None.
Sometimes I stand naked
in the mirror,
try to guess my age.
I have lots of scars.
They call my condition
focal retrograde amnesia.
Its no picnic, but Ive
learned to live with it.
Ive got a job I love,
been seeing someone
nice guy,
good sense of humour.
Oh, mad dogs. Mad dogs.
Hal, I got to tell you.
Of all the Christmas pageants
Ive ever seen,
this was by far the most recent.
For Gods sakes, Sam,
Ive got teenage girls
playing the Three Wise Men.
What did you expect?
Teenage boys?
I thought they did fine.
It was the first nativity
where Joseph stares
at the wise mens tits
all night.
Her name is Caitlin,
and when I woke up
on that long-ago day,
I was months pregnant
with her.
I dont know who her father is.
I may never.
I just know shes mine.
His name is Mr Perkins.
My mom named him for me.
Come help in the kitchen!
Thats her.
Thats who?
Her mom. Shes got amnesia.
Too weird.
Hello, girls.
Caitlin, come help me
in the kitchen.
Hurry up, because
I forget where it is.
More sugar!
Have a Christmas party night
A mistletoe song
for you to sing
With a couple trills
to start
If I catch you smoking again,
theyll never find the body.
Do you understand?
Have a cookie.
Attention, attention,
sil vous plat.
As the year draws to a close,
I would like to share with you
just a few things
about myself,
things of which
I am especially proud.
First, Im proud to say
that I dont smoke,
I dont drink,
and I dont swear.
Oh, shit, I do smoke and drink.
Block your ears.
Our dear friends,
may the best of your past
be the worst of your future.
Ill drink to that.
Take a bow, my dear.
Take a bow.
We got the mistletoe.
Oh, sweetie.
Eight years...
Except for my name,
all traces are lost.
I used to hire
expensive detectives.
Now Im down to the cheap ones.
Doesnt seem to matter.
The woman I was, the one
I used to be, shes gone.
Ive kissed her goodnight.
Dont move!
What the hell is this?
Dont give me attitude, sir.
See, youre assuming
I wont shoot your sorry ass,
and everyone knows,
when you make an assumption,
you make an ass
out of "u" and "mption".
Now, Im Sergeant Madigan,
and if you do cop a tude,
I wilI see to it
you spend the next years
in prison getting ass-fucked.
If the case is thrown out cause
my arrest was too violent,
I will personally hire men to
ass-fuck you for years.
So if youre
an ass-fucking fan,
you go ahead and mouth off.
Meanwhile, youre under arrest
for the crime of prostitution.
Officer Donlevy,
read him his rights.
His rights.
You have the remight... you have
the right to remain silent.
And... anything
you say and do
will be held
against you...
Hey, you got to listen
to me, man. I got a wife.
Ive never...
This is the first time
Ive ever done this,
I swear to God.
Sir. Sir! Listen to me.
I can see from your choice here
youre not a wealthy man.
Now, in light of the damage
this arrest could do to you,
I think we might be able to make
some kind of arrangement.
Oh, God!
Got to stop using bums.
Forget that.
They looked like cops.
We pulled it off, didnt we?
It was embarrassing.
You want me to hire
actors, for chrissake?
These guys are cheap.
They work for food.
When they puke all over you,
is that like a refund?
Oh, oh, Trin,
Im pissing myself here
youre so funny.
Whats this?
I got movement
on Samantha Caine.
Youre kidding.
Nope. I may have
a lead on someone
who rented the amnesia chick
an apartment back in .
They stilI have
some of her stuff.
Get out of here!
Whered that come from?
Lucky break. Old lady just died,
and one of her asshole grandkids
found a credit card
in a shoe box
with the name
Samantha Caine on it.
Tried to use it at Nordstroms.
OK, heres what we do.
You get on the phone
to amnesia chick.
Tell her we need more cash.
Oh, the weather outside
is frightful...
Hey, that was
a really swell party.
Thanks again for the ride.
You and Hal, youve been
together now, what?
A couple of years?
How often do you two, uh...
Stick our fingers inside our
hands and pull them out again?
Every chance we get.
Earl, do me a favour. Every few
words, have some bubbles
come out of your mouth
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
  • [레포트]교육과정 및 교육평가#1
  • 대사회에서는 유일한 피난처라고도 할 수 있다.한편 사회나 국가에 대해서 가족은 경제체계로서, 아동양육체계로서 그리고 사회에의 적응체계로서 사회에 잘 통합되는 성원을 배출하여 과거와 미래를 연결시켜 주는 기제이다. 동시에 성원에게 귀속 지위를 부여하고 성역할을 사회화시키는 역할을 수행하는 기제이기도 하다.Ⅲ. 한국가족의 성격이제 직접적으로 한국가족의 성격에 대해서 알아보도록 하겠다. 한국가족의 전통적 가치관은 유교적

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  • 영화과에 지원하는 등 적극적인 청소년들도 있다.TV에서는 연예인들의 화려한 모습을 보여준다. 처음 보는 옷을 입고, 세련된 액세서리로 치장한 가수들이 현란한 춤과 신나는 노래로 무대를 제압한다. 탤런트들도 우리가 구경해 보지도 못한 큰 저택이나 별장에서 호화스런 생활을 연기해 낸다.또 연예인은-우리가 쓰는 말로-뜨기만 하면 많은 돈을 번다. 개런티도 많이 받게되고 방송 출연도 잦아지고 CF 촬영도 많아지기 때문이다. 또 많은 사람들

  • [공무원면접] 시사상식
  • 영화제 심사위원 대상. 2007년 베를린 영화제 알프레드 바우어상 수상. 주요 연출작품으로서는‘2000년공동경비구역JSA’,‘2003년 올드보이’‘2005년 친절한 금자씨’‘2006년 싸이보그지만 괜찮아’가 있다. 저서로서는박찬욱의 오마주박찬욱의 몽타주가 있다. 16.사이버 브랜치(Cyber Branch):구매,판매,급여,현금관리,등 모든 자금 흐름을 은행 전산망과 연결시켜 회사 내부에서 실시간으로 자금을 관리할 수 있도록 하는 통합자금 관리 시스템. 기업 내

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  • 영화제가 5월 17~23일 프랑스 남부의 휴양도시 칸에서 개최됐다. 이번 칸 국제영화제에서 황금종려상을 수상한 작품은?① 신과 인간 ② 하녀 ③ 스크리밍 맨 ④ 엉클 분미정답: 4번해설: 태국 출신 아피찻퐁 위라세타쿤 감독의 영화 ‘엉클 분미’가 제 63회 칸 국제영화제 경쟁부문 시상식에서 최고상인 황금종려상을 수상했다. 태국영화가 칸 영화제에서 황금종려상을 수상한 것은 이번이 처음이다. 엉클 분미는 태국 북동부 시골을 배경으로 그들의

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  • 대사회의 상징인 패스트푸드에대한 저항으로 시작되어, 유럽을 비롯한 20개국 135개 도시가 슬로시티 국제연맹에 가입(2010.6)되어 있다.우리나라는 전라남도 완도군(청산면), 장흥군(유치면장평면 우산마을), 신안군(증도면), 담양군(창평면) 등 4개의 기초자치단체가 아시아 최초로 슬로시티로 인증되었고(2007.12), 그 뒤를이어 2009년에는 하동군(악양면), 예산군(대흥응봉면)이 인증되었으며, 2010년에는 전주시(한옥마을), 남양주시(조안면)가 인증되었

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