영문 National Treasure2내셔널 트레져2 영화 대사

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets Script
[fireworks exploding]
[crowd clamoring]
[indistinct chatter]
[man] Hes in the other room.
- Are you Thomas Gates?
- Yes.
We got something
that wed like you to take a look at.
I hear youre quite good
with puzzles and riddles.
- [man] Its a coded message.
- [Gates] Its a Playfair cipher.
- Playfair cipher?
- Can you decode it?
Ciphers impossible to decode
without the key.
- What do you mean by "a key"?
- A keyword or phrase.
I believe what you need is right there.
Itll take some time.
Go on. Ill take your diary.
Ill meet up with you later.
- [horse grunts]
- Whoa.
[man]...calculate the distance
and youre sure to hit the mark
in about most things
as well as shootin.
...ready to pour out all over you
like apple sass over roast pork.
[woman] Ill take care not to
give up my hold on poor De Boots
till I am quite sure of the American.
- [woman 2] Ah, thats my own girl.
- [laughter]
Augusta, dear, to your room.
[man]...to turn you inside out, old
gal, you sockdologizing old man-trap.
- [audience laughs]
- [screaming]
Sic semper tyrannis!
- [grunts]
- [horse whinnies]
[indistinct chatter]
[Gates] Temples.
Cibola? This is a treasure map.
KGC? Youre Knights of the
Golden Circle. Youre a traitor.
Youre all traitors.
- [man] President Lincolns been shot!
- [man 2] Everybody, out! All of you!
[boy] Killers on the loose!
Id much appreciate it if youd finish
deciphering that code now.
- [glass shatters]
- [shouting]
- Dad!
- The war is over.
- No!
- [gasping] No!
Youre wrong about that.
The war has only just begun!
[gasping] Charles.
The debt that all men... men pay.
The debt that all men p... [stammers]
Dad! No, please!
[sobbing] Come back. Its not fair.
Help! Somebody help, please!
So recapping:
The Knights of the Golden Circle
was a Southern extremist group,
operating in the north
to subvert Union forces.
Had Thomas not burned the legendary
missing pages from the Booth diary,
the killers may have found
a vast treasure of gold,
and the Union may well have
lost the Civil War.
- Thank you.
- [applause]
[man] Id like
to thank Ben and Patrick Gates.
Thank you.
And say what a wonderful addition Thomas
Gates is to our civilian heroes exhibit.
Thank you.
Thank you, Dr. Nichols.
I only wish my grandfather
had been here to see this wonderful day.
[man] Excuse me.
I have a question Id like to ask.
What do you think happened
to that Booth diary page
- that was pulled out of the fire?
- We may never know.
- Perhaps not.
- [crowd murmuring]
You see, I have one of those
great-great-granddaddies, like you,
way up in my family tree,
name of Silas Wilkinson.
He used to tell a story
about the night Lincoln was shot.
As Silas tells it,
Booth didnt seek out Thomas Gates
regarding the treasure map that night.
It was Thomas who called the meeting.
A meeting to plan
the assassination of Lincoln.
- How absurd.
- Thats a lie!
[crowd murmuring]
Ladies and gentlemen,
I present to you...
...one of the missing pages from the
infamous diary of John Wilkes Booth
with the name Thomas Gates written on
a list along with all the other killers.
- And Latin?
- Booth was a student of Latin.
He shouted, "Sic semper tyrannis"
after he shot Lincoln.
- "Thus always to..."
- "Thus always to tyrants." We know.
- "Surratt, copiae"?
- Military supplies.
Mary Surratt was convicted and hanged
for supplying Booth with
a rifle and field glasses.
- "Thomas Gates, artifex."
- "Designer"
- or "mastermind."
- I know what it means.
He must have,
uh, planned the assassination.
- I see.
- Could mean mastermind of anything.
You see that?
Burned out right there.
I can only imagine how difficult
this must be for you.
- May l, Mr...?
- Wilkinson.
Ill see if this new page
matches the Booth diary.
This is an outrage.
Youre calling my grandfather a liar.
With respect, now youre calling
my great-great-granddaddy a liar.
Yes, sir, I am. This isnt
some garbage from a history book.
My grandfather
told me this story himself.
- I saw the truth of it in his eyes.
- Im sorry, sir. I truly am.
Well test this thoroughly,
Patrick, to authenticate it.
It cant be.
Maps to presidents houses.
Keys to locks that dont exist.
Whats the point?
What am I looking for?
Proof, proof, proof.
What proof?
Oh, wow. Is this a book
about the Templar treasure?
Yes, it is about the Templar treasure,
but its also about other things.
Conspiracy theories, urban legends
and other myths that are true.
- So the authors here signing copies?
- Im the author.
- You are?
- Yeah. See, uh...
Theres a picture of me right there.
I think its a pretty good picture.
I thought that guy,
Benjamin Gates, found the treasure.
Well, yes, Ben did,
but I am the co-finder.
- Oh, Ive never heard of you.
- Oh!
Oh, my gosh. Are you Ben Gates?
- Yes. Yes, I am.
- Do you own a red Ferrari?
- Yes, I do.
- Well, its being towed.
Wait! Wait! Thats my car!
[wheels squeaking]
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