[국제경제] 국제 금융위기와 IMF 사례 연구(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2012.06.26 / 2019.12.24
  • 15페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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1. Introduction

2. The IMF as a Political Organization
2.1. Theoretical Background to International Institutions
2.2. Politics Surrounding the IMF

3. The Institutional System of the IMF
3.1. Who Influences the IMF?
3.2. The Movement of Reform of the IMF’s Asymmetric Structure

4. The IMF and Case Studies of Financial Crises
4.1. The IMF and the East Asian Financial Crisis
4.2. The IMF and the South American Economic Crisis

5. Recent Crises in the USA and the EU Increasing the Role of East Asian Countries in the IMF
5.1. Recent Financial Crises in the USA and the EU
5.2. East Asia’s Performance in the Western Crises
5.3. Future of the IMF and the Role of East Asia

6. Conclusion
1. Introduction

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is no longer a purely international economic organizationin the way it was. At first, the IMF was established along with the World Bank and theGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Tradeat the close ofWorld War II in order to provide governments with balance of payments support, but now there’s a doubt that IMF has become a political organization under a big influence of several developed countries including the United States, which are major stakeholders of the IMF.
Another issue with the IMF’s politics is that the exercise of voting power or the core functions such as crisis solution, exchange rate management and financial policy coordination within the IMF have been designed to perpetuate the dominance of a few industrial countries, specifically the USA and the European Union member states. That is, the IMF lending decisions is a result of American policymakers and countries in which American banks are highly exposed and the governments closely allied with the United States seem to receive larger IMF loans (Oatley and Yackee 2000).In this context, we will explore the political problems behind the discriminatory treatment of the states in the IMF, mainly in favour of the U.S.-friendly developing countries.
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