[경영정보시스템] Wireless Electricity(무선기술에 대한 고찰)(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.11.02 / 2019.12.24
  • 7페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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목 차

1. Witricity
2. eCoupled
3. Wireless technology
4. Wireless Security
As well as this fantastically developed technology of wireless technology, we can come up with similar but striking idea to this newly introduced one. We are actually accustomed to this sort of wireless technology as we are constantly using our wireless phones (cell phone) in our everyday lives. But there are two dimension of problem. One thing is that the wireless technology has weakness to security problem itself. And the other problem is that people misuse wireless technology.

3. Wireless technology
Wireless technology is used widely in business areas in worldwide. Figuring out how the wireless technology is integrated with business is important.
In order to understand wireless technology in 21st century, we need to explain the businesses benefits of using wireless technology and we should be able to describe the wireless trends that benefit consumers and businesses.
Rapid and widespread growth of mobile technology in the 21st century has changed one of the largest technology markets after the PC revolution in the late 20 century.
Thanks to the success of mobile technology, it results in opportunities for innovation and creativity in technology, marketing, and business strategy.
Companies in the world are going mobile to increase productivity, speed delivery to market, and reduce operating costs. Retail, distribution and manufacturing business are no exception. The terms mobile and wireless are often used synonymously, but actually they are two different technologies. So we need to be able to distinguish the differences among them. Mobile means the technology can travel with the user but it is not necessarily in real- time; users can download software, email messages, and webpage onto their personal digital assistant (PDA), laptop, or other mobile device for portable reading or reference. Wireless, on the other
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