[금융경제] 솔로몬 저축은행(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.10.05 / 2019.12.24
  • 12페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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Ⅰ. Opening
- Introduction
- What is the Savings Bank

Ⅱ. The Solomon Mutual Savings Bank
1. History
2. Solomon Bank as The Best Savings Bank
3. Product Introduction
- Project Financing (PF)

Ⅲ. The Problem of Solomon Bank
1. Asset is Growing, but Net Profit During the Term is Shrinking
2. Increase of Risk through the Decrease of Current Ratio
3. The Financial Soundness of Solomon Bank
- The Problem of PF Loan’s Financial Soundness

Ⅳ. Regulation and Solomon Bank
1. Annual Review
2. Raise the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
3. Regulation about Project Financing (PF)

Ⅴ. Conclusion
2. Solomon Bank as The Best Savings Bank
Solomon domestic savings bank was No.1 in the industry in asset size as of December 2005. At the end of 2007, with Pusan and Honan, Gyeonggi savings banks, total assets of Solomon savings bank reached nearly 5 trillion won level, grown into a huge savings banks. Solomon savings bank is the industry leader as Assets / receives / loan in all areas. Based on the end of 2009 total assets of Solomon Savings Bank is approximately 5.4 trillion won. It's bigger than Hyundai Swiss Savings Bank (3.1 trillion won) and Tomato Savings Bank (3.6 trillion won). total receive and total loan size, respectively, 4.7 trillion won (Hyundai Swiss 2.7 trillion won, Tomato 3.6 trillion won), 4.4 trillion won (Hyundai Swiss 2.5 trillion won, Tomato 3 trillion won) is.
[주요저축은행들의 총자산/수신/여신규모추이(단위 : 억원)]

Solomon soundness as a bank is excellent. Solomon is referred so (called '8 • 8 Club' : BIS the ratio of owner's equity 8 %, the ratio of non- performing loan 8% or less). An indicator of financial soundness, such as the ratio of non-performing loan, BIS the ratio of owner's equity, delinquency is much better compared to other savings banks as showed in doubts below.

3. Solomon’s Financial Products
Solomon Bank deposit and loan products are as follows:
저축상품 대출상품
자유상품 보통예금 아파트담보대출(사업자금융)
와이즈 e –뱅킹예금 아파트담보대출(가계자금융)
목돈마련상품 정기적금 Project Financing(PF)
자유적립예금 경력잔금대출
파이팅 2000 정기적금 어음할인
효자효부 정기적금 뉴타운부동산담보대출
파이팅 맞벌이 정기적금 유가증권담보대출
목돈운용상품 정기예금 플러스 예금담보대출
표지어음 예금담보대출
절세가인 정기예금 전세보증금담보대출
절세혜택상품 - 신용대출
Especially of interest for the loans is the PF.
- Project Financing(PF)
PF is a loan product to support real estate development project for land purchase money, cost of construction, working expense and so on. Before lending, the bank assesses the project about development feasibility and future cash flow analysis and holds the land as collateral. Qualifications for a loan are given to corporations and owned businesses. Use is limited to land acquisition financing (토지매입자금), construction financing(공사자금), project financing(사업자금), etc. for the project. Bank loan limits up to within 20% of all equity capital. Business feasibility, creditworthiness of business practitioners and contractors, then check the overall risk within the scope of required funding is a loan by calculating the appropriate limit. Interest rates and fees will be determined after an internal review. And normally loan is renewable up to 5 years. Methods of repayment classify according to business such as balloon payment and redemption by amortization. Mortgage costs, investigation costs
저축은행의 최근 위험 변화 및 주요 이슈 검토, 한국신용정보, Mar 22, 2010

저축은행 산업분석, IBK투자증권, Mar 29, 2010-05-24

저축은행들의 부실사태와 진정한 규제완화, 한국경제연구원, Jan 21,2010

FSC to tighten rules on savings banks, Koreatimes, Mar 09, 2010

금감원, 부실징후 저축은행에 특별검사반 투입, 매일경제, Mar 25, 2010

저축은행의 위험한 자산확대 경쟁, 매일경제, Apr 5, 2010

Seoul tightens rules on saving banks, The Korea Herald, April 09 2010

    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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