[경영학의이해] 안철수의 경영 철학 분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.08.20 / 2019.12.24
  • 6페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,100원
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1. Summary
2. Introduction of CEO Ahn
3. Values and Philosophy of CEO Ahn
4. Talent of CEO Ahn for an executive
5. Success factors of management of CEO Ahn
6. References
4. Talent of CEO Ahn for an executive

First, he is crazy for memo. He writes down ideas that pops while eating, even every word from meeting. Especially while reading books, noting never stops. Ahn’s reading tip is ‘Note the key word’. He said “I note keywords or momentary feelings. Then articles which straddle column text come out from just one line which I noted. I can write dozens of manuscripts from a line.”
And another secret of his success is reading. Since elementary school student, he has been a bookworm, so he could raise his concentration and imagination. And reading rose the ability that he can study by himself. If anyone is bookworm, he or she must grudge every minute. He/she would be a master of time management by himself/herself. “I should wait 10 minutes to get on our company elevator. If I read books while that waiting time, I could read 2 books a month.” He never misses any little time.
And he’s also a bookworm. He doesn’t smoke or drink, and has never been to karaoke or video room. He has no aptitude in sports. He cannot take a trip because he has no time. Reading is the only hobby he has. It is no exaggeration to say that he has been just reading books since he was young. Which made Ahn and Ahnlab today is his ‘passion for pure’. He revealed at a interview that he writes articles with 2 principles. “First. I think It is bad that writing from selfish motives. I believe that I should write articles with historical consciousness. And another principle is to think while writing that my opinion can be heard. It is not for announcing my thoughts but I think my thoughts can be devoted to variety of society, and drag out important issues to discussion.”
These is his secret of memo.
1. Idea is volatile.
: Memo roles as secondary storage devices not to be gone. It is impossible to memory everything only by main memory.
2. To be crazy for memo, be a bookworm first.
: Book is the most beneficial assistant to make ‘something’ and be ‘something’.
3. When reading books, Note the keywords and concept words.
: Keywords and concept words are the key of problem solution.
4. While reading, you should make impressive contents to a sentence you’re your perspective.
: If express one’s subjective thoughts or perspective to a sentence, that would be a column of dozens of manuscripts.
5. Don’t note the scripts of a book.
: It is not very helpful to copy the words of other people to make own perspective.
6. Accumulated notes become a book.
: Notes that be done often become a sentence and an article. Those articles accumulate, that become a book.
7. If note details, you can see the direction of a big project.
: If big projects are front of you, you should note your ideas.
8. Observe constantly. Then you can be crazy for notes.
: Memo starts for observing.
9. Save notes of files in laptop.
: You should save every note by making memo to data.
10. Sometimes, you cannot understand your contents. That is memo.
Second, He is very challenging and creative. At first, he was a doctor but he chose inject into computer instead of arm. If he kept his job as doctor, he could grab both honor and wealth. But he never regrets. When he became CEO, he went to Pennsylvania University, earned master’s degree and came back to Korea during only 2 years.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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  • [기업윤리경영] 삼성전자 기업윤리 사례
  • 경영이념 및 철학 . p.323. 삼성전자의 윤리경영 p.324. 인적자원 . p.385. 삼성전자의 녹색경영 p.426. 삼성전자의 사회공헌활동 . p.5

  • 안철수 리더십과 기업문화
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  • [공무원면접] 시사상식
  • 분석된다. 그린메일 경영권을 담보로 보유주식을 시가보다 비싸게 되파는 행위. 기업사냥꾼(green mailer)들이 상장기업의 주식을 대량 매입한 뒤 경영진을 위협, 적대적인 인수합병(M&A)을 포기하는 대가로 자신들이 확보한 주식을 시가보다 훨씬 높은 값에 되사들이도록 강요하는 행위. 기업사냥꾼들이 보유주식을 팔기 위한 목적으로 대주주에게 편지를 보내는데 달러가 초록색이어서 그린메일이라는 이름이 붙여졌다. 공갈갈취를 뜻하는 블랙메

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