[마케팅관리] 티보 Tivo 사례 분석(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2010.08.14 / 2019.12.24
  • 9페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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1.Analye the situation from the consumer’s standpoint.
i.What factors facilitate its adoption?
ii.What factors make adoption difficult?
2.Considering the standpoint of the networks, the advertisers, and the cable/satellite companies: what do they have to do preparing for TiVo?
ii.The standpoint of the advertisers
iii.The standpoint of the cable/satellite companies
3.Explain the current cable-TV market (e.g. IP TV etc.) of Korea. How about the possibility of diffusion of TiVo in Korean market. Who will be the primary customers?
i.Explain the current cable-TV market. (IP TV market of Korea.)
ii.How about the possibility of diffusion of TiVo in Korean market.
iii.Who will be the primary customers?
Reference lists
ii. The standpoint of the advertisers
In many countries of the world, most of the people enjoy their free time watching TV. So, the advertisers have invested much money on the TV advertising to inform viewers of their products or services and also it is only an outlet to meet the public. But TiVo brings out the change of viewers’ thought with the functions like zapping the advertising, therefore, the advertisers have to change their mind and prepare something special for TiVo’s arrival.
First, Show advertisements while loading TiVo system. To start TiVo, there is loading time. But during this time, no function can be executed, and users just wait till it is loaded. The time is very short, but playing a few advertisements during this loading time might be a great strategy to draw attention. TiVo system collects information about what kinds of advertisements user prefers and watches, playing those advertisements based on that information and user's preference. Likewise, showing preferred advertisements rather than a still frame while loading TiVo system would effectively get attention from the viewers and efficiently promote the products.
Secondly, Use 'one-stop purchase' strategy during the program. One of the strengths of TiVo system is that users can interact with it. Users can communicate with TiVo with fast-forward, pause, thumbs-up functions, etc, and TiVo provides service to users' preference. Advertisers can take advantage of this aspect. For example, advertisers can use 'one-stop purchase' strategy. This is how it works: when a user finds a certain product attractive while watching a program, the user can pause the program, and an advertiser provides information about the product, such as price, characteristics, pictures, and a detailed explanation. And if the user wants to buy the product, he or she can just press a button on the remote control and purchase the product. By using this kind of strategy, users can buy products conveniently and advertisers can effectively advertise the products.
Thirdly, schedule advertisements that are related to the program before, after, and in the middle of the program. When a broadcasting company produces a program, it considers who is going to watch it. Advertisers should schedule advertisements before, after, and in the middle of the program that their targeted consumers might want to watch in order to expose the product. The reason why people find advertisements boring is that they think those advertised goods have nothing to do with them. On the contrary, if it is something that attracts people's attention, they will watch the advertisement and become aware of the product. Scheduling advertisements that are related to the program in order to increase the ratings is one strategy advertisers can choose in the world of TiVo. In addition, advertisers might want to provide coupons or samples, inducing people to watch the advertisements to the end.
And lastly, Use strong imagery in advertisings. One of TiVo's functions is to fast-forward an advertisement, rather than skip the whole thing. In other words, the

고장원, "PVR방송광고산업의 위기와 극복", jinhanmnb, 2006
Kivingston & Jessica, "세상을 바꾼 32개의 통찰", 웅진씽크빅, 2007
남상엽, "IPTV구성 및 응용", 상학당, 2009
서정, "IPTV 혁명", 전자신문사, 2008
손창용, "한국 케이블TV 산업론", 커뮤니케이션북스, 2007
Steve Kovsky, "High-Tech Toys for your TV", Que, 2002

LG경제연구원 (http://www.lgeri.com)
삼성경제연구소 (http://www.seri.org)
정보통신정책연구원 (http://www.kisdi.re.kr)
Tivo홈페이지 (http://www.tivo.com)
TivoReceiver (http://www.tivoreceiver.com)
QOOK (http://www.qook.co.kr)
SK브로드밴드 (http://www.skbradband.com)
myLGtv (http://www.mylgtv.com)
국회도서관 (http://www.nanet.go.kr)
cnet news (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10185456-93.html)

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