인도의 카스트 제도 연구(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2013.03.29 / 2019.12.24
  • 29페이지 / fileicon pptx (파워포인트 2007이상)
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Ⅰ. What is the caste system?

Ⅱ. Social problem

Ⅲ. Special treatments to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe

Ⅳ. Successful people from Dalit

Ⅴ. Conflict due to reverse discrimination

Caste system
Caste is a unique status system of India society. Traditionally, India is composed of Brahman , Kshatriya, Vaisya, Sudra and scheduled caste (untouchables) who can't belong to four castes.

Untouchables are called scheduled caste, Harijan, and Dalit.

They prefer to use 'Dalit' that means persecuted person instead of untouchables to emphasize that they were persecuted by higher caste people.

Caste shows rank of highs and lows, that is, novel person and humble person. Higher caste people consider that they get spoiled when they come near lower castes.
Each caste passed on job to their descendants and intermarriage was prohibited.

1. intermarriage
Traditionally, they have an arranged marriage. Parents decide their children's spouse in the same castes. If they cannot find the suitable spouse, they advertise in the newspaper the terms of marriage such as caste, economic status, birthplace, family, income, job, education level, residential district etc.

These days some people marry for love. But still, many people think that they have to obey the rules of marriage. The one who intermarried run away from the village, Some are even expelled, or physically attacked by their own family members.
Annually, about 900 people killed by their family so-called "honor killing".
It is not disappear in the big city like Delhi as well as countryside.

For example, a father-in-law throw the daughter-in-law in the river. Because the daughter-in-law is different caste so they don't admit her. After they know that the woman is pregnant, they throw the woman in the river. Fortunately, the woman was found by fishermen.

2. the imbalance of education
In india, there are government school(공립학교) and public school(사립학교).
Upper class students are educated in public school. And they wear school uniforms, and take lessons in English.
But most students are educated in government school and their education facilities are not good.

Some teachers in government school think that they don't need to teach for student. Because the student's job is determined by succession. Even 25% of elementary school teacher don't show up.
Two classes get together in the same place and students are crouching in the hallway to study by themselves.

논문 <인도헌법의 후진 계급에 대한 보상적 차별 정책과 카스트 정치>- 백촤흠
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  • 기독교, 가부장주의&여성
  • 연구원,1995, 정숙자 外, 대한기독교서회, 1999 : p.129 - 145, 156 - 158 , 이화여자대학교 여성신학 연구소, 대한 기독교서회, 1998 , 스탠리 J. 그렌츠, 데니스 M. 키예스보 공저, 이은순옮김, 기독교문서선교회 , 앤 와이어 지음, 조태연 엮어옮김, 대한기독교서회 * 공통 메리 데일리,여성신문사,1997 백은미

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