Sino-Indian War(중국 인도전쟁) 분석(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2012.11.23 / 2019.12.24
  • 13페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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01 Introduction


02 Sino-Indian war

Development process

03 Conclusions

Analysis and meanings
Afterward Views
1. Introduction

What is Sino-Indian war?

The Sino-Indian War is known as the war between China and India that was occurred in 1962. This war mainly considered the border conflict between China and India. (i.e. Sino-Inidan Border Conflict) Sovereignty over two separated pieces of territory have been contested between China and India. One of the regions where dispute occurred between two countries was Aksai Chin, which was located between the Indian province of Jammu and Kashmir and the west of Chinese province of Xinjiang. The other disputed territory lies south of other McMahon Line. It was formally referred to as the North East Frontier Agency, and is now called Arunachal Pradesh.


Outline of Sino-Indian war
In 1914, during Simla conference, England strongly argued that McMahon Line was part of the British India and Tibet, but China disagreed with this argument. Therefore, Sino-Indian War began in 1962 and two countries fought over to conquest this territory. The war was ended and an agreement to resolve the dispute was made in 1996, including "confidence-building measures" and a mutually agreed Line of Actual Control. In 2006, Chinese ambassador who was appointed in India stated that all of Arunachal Pradesh was Chinese territory. This was followed up with a military buildup and numerous incursions into Sikkim, some penetrating by more than a kilometer. In 2009, India announced to deploy additional military forces along the border.

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  • 영문) Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, An Agenda for Peace (New York: United Nations, 1992)보고서(영문) Brahimi, Lakhdar, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (Brahimi Report) (New York: United Nations, 2000)단행본(영문) Diehl, Paul F., International Peacekeeping (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994)단행본(영문) Lehmann, Ingrid A., Peacekeeping and Public Information: Caught in the Crossfire, (Newbury House: Frank Cass Publishers, 1999)학술지 속 논문(영문) McCarthy, Patrick, Building a Reliable Rapid Reaction Capacity for the UN,

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