[행정론] 한국정부의 경제, 사회정책 평가(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2012.03.08 / 2019.12.24
  • 20페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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1. Introduction

2. Formulating the theoretical framework(Kim Yeon-Jin)
(1) The East Asian Developmental State (henceforth EADS)
(2) Economic and Social Policies in the Developmental State

3. The progress and performances of the DS in the 1960s-70s Korea
(1) The DS in the 1960-70s Korea(Kang Min-Ji)
(2) Economic performance of the Korean DS(Moon Su-Yeon)
(3) Social performance of the Korean DS(Moon Su-Yeon)

4. Economic and social policies under the DS of the 1960-70s Korea : discussion
(1) Social policy as an instrument of economic development(Jeong Mi-Na)
(2) Complex factors about the exclusion of social policy(Jeong Mi-Na)
(3) Total discussion of 1960-70s(Kim Hyeon-Ji)

5. Economic and social policies in MB government
(1) The characteristic of current developmental state in Korea(Jung Hee-Jin)
(2) Developmental state aspect of Lee government(Jeong Dong-Cheol)

6. Conclusion
1. Introduction
There is the rapid economic growth of East Asian countries and many scholars attribute these performances to the state's active intervention in the process of economic development. These East Asian countries were called "the developmental state"(henceforth DS). Japan and four East Asian dragons - Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong - have achieved economic growth at an unprecedented pace mainly thanks to the successful performances of the DS. East Asian developmental states except for Japan excluded civil society and trade unions from politics and economic planning, making them the authoritarian developmental state (henceforth ADS), at least until the 1980s.
In Korea, the developmental state emerged in earnest from the early 1960s, and combined with authoritarian politics in the 1970s, labeling the 1970s Korea as a typical form of the authoritarian developmental state. Korea’s developmental state was successful in achieving its core goals: economic growth and industrialization. However, during the years of economic development, social policies were largely underdeveloped or functioned, at the most, as a subsidiary of economic and industrial policies. Recently a new form of DS is appeared. In MB government, this is magnified. Thus we are willing to find some similar characteristics of the past DS and current DS.
Against the backdrop of these circumstances, this article aims to explore the economic and social performances of the developmental state in the 1960-70s Korea and current MB government.

- Soon Yang Kim, 「The East Asian developmental state and its economic and social policies: the case of Korea」, International Review of Public Administration, 2008, Vol. 12, No. 2
- 윤상우, 「외환위기 이후 한국의 발전주의적 신 자유주의화」, 2009
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회원 추천자료
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