영문 The OxBow Incident옥스보우 인서던트 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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The Ox Bow Incident Script
Deader than a Paiutes grave.
- That guys awful slow getting there.
I feel sorry for him. Always in reach
and never able to do anything about it.
- I got a feeling she could do better.
- Youre boasting.
- Whatll you have? Whiskey?
- What you got?
You ever see such a guy?
All winter Ive been thinking....
And all hes gots whiskey.
- Thats rotten, aint it?
- Rotten.
Two glasses and a bottle.
- Well, whats on your mind?
- Does something have to be on my mind?
Well, heres mud in your eye.
Friendly cuss, aint he?
Hes getting around to asking
if his girl is in town.
His girl?
If you mean Rose Mapen, no.
She went to Frisco
the first stage out this spring.
Thats a lie. She said shed wait.
Its a fact.
What a town.
Its my guess the married women run
her out. No tar and feathers. No rails.
They just righteously
made her feel uncomfortable.
Not that she ever did anything.
They just couldnt get over
being afraid she might.
- What is there to do in this town?
- Unless you want to woo Drews daughter-
We dont.
The only other unmarried woman
I know is blind and a Paiute.
That leaves you five choices:
eat, sleep, drink, play poker or fight.
- Or you can shoot pool. I got a new table.
- Thats just great.
- I see Risleys still around.
- The sheriff?
I thought he never got closer
than Reno except on special calls.
It wouldnt be that rustling folks
were talking about last fall?
Could be.
- Getting to be a touchy subject, huh?
- They dont like to talk about it.
- Afraid its somebody they know?
- Maybe.
- They lose some more this spring?
- Some.
- How many?
- About head.
They got any leads?
They picked up a trail and signs
of shod horses in the south draw.
Wouldnt everybody know if
there were strangers around?
There hasnt been any, except you two.
- That aint funny.
- Now whos touchy?
Youre talking about my business.
Stick to my pleasures.
No offense, Carter.
I want you to know where you stand.
- Listen-
- Take it easy, Gil.
Hes sore about Rose Mapen.
- Keep your mouth shut about Rose, see?
- Okay, Gil. I was just joking.
- You can take a joke, cant you?
- Sure, I can take a joke. Some jokes.
Lost any over your way?
No more than the winter
and coyotes would account for.
- You havent got any ideas, Farnley?
- Except not to have ideas.
Make that clear.
There are a lot of things
around here aint clear.
You still talking about rustling?
And strangers.
- Looks happy, dont he?
- He just needed exercise.
Whenever he gets low in spirits
or confused in his mind...
...he doesnt feel right
until hes had a fight.
It doesnt matter whether he wins
or not. He feels fine again afterwards.
Aint that guy got there yet?
Holy cow, now Im gonna
have to start all over again.
Somebodys sure in a hurry.
- Did Darby use his fist?
- No, a bottle.
- Thats all right then.
- Lay off Farnley, will you?
- Why should I?
- You hit him pretty hard...
...made him look foolish.
- Did I really get him?
- I thought you busted his neck.
No fooling.
Why, the no-good-
- Shot through the head, I tell you!
- Where did it happen?
- Southeast corner of the valley.
- Did you see it?
- No. Olsen found him laying in a dry wash.
Shot right through the head.
About : .
But he mustve been shot earlier. They
picked his horse up near the ranch road.
- Any cattle missing?
- Well, they couldnt tell.
- Did Olsen send you for us?
- No, he yelled at me to go get the sheriff.
Hey, Jeff. Jeff!
- Rustlers?
- Looks that way.
- Who was it they got?
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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