영문 Fridaythe13 th Part313일의 금요일 영화 대사

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Friday the 13th, Part 3
A piercing high note is sustained on the soundtrack as the
main title, "CRYSTAL JAPAN" speeds straight at the audience
in 3-D and seems to jump right out at them.
The opening credits follow. Ominous theme music fills the
soundtrack, growing darker and more dissonant.
The theme music slowly dissolves into the sound of a radio
news broadcast, as the credits continue to unfold.
...and Im Ed Harris with the KLTZ
Early Morning Report.
Theme music out.
Crystal Lake in Pinehurst County,
the scene of several unsolved
deaths years ago, is tragically
back in the top of the news this
morning. Police have uncovered
the remains of eight, as yet,
unidentified persons in a gruesome
and baffling story of mass
End credits.
Shooting over a line of ruffled bushes with leaves just
turning towards a rural, time-worn country market. A wide
gravel parking area makes it accessible to the highway
running past it, otherwise, this Mom & Pop store seems almost
like a vision of times gone by.
The bushes and overgrown grass, unrestrained by any human
care, strengthen the sense of isolation. The dying sun
shoots its last rays through the trees behind the market.
The market has a battered second-story: the living quarters
of the people running it. A truck roars by. Then silence,
and then again the sound of the radio news report:
...Judging from the sheer
brutality of the murders, police
theorize that they must have been
committed by at least four
Sagging clotheslines cluttered with drying laundry run across
a narrow backyard, all the way to a rickety old shed. The
clotheslines are supported by one solitary pole. Linen and
garments billow in the rising evening breeze.
Cold, foreboding music accompanies the camera as it moves
toward a pair of flapping khaki pants and an olive green
workshirt hanging side by side on the line.
The radio news report grows louder as the clothing snaps
directly into the lens.
...The sole survivor of the
massacre has been taken under
heavy sedation to County Hospital
in Linfield for observation.
Shes been unable to provide
police with any clues and is being
kept under round the clock guard...
And then a man parts two shrouds of wet laundry, making his
way back towards the house. This is HAROLD: 40ish, paunchy,
unshaven and so clumsy that he hits the clothesline pole and
knocks it down, burying himself under a heap of linen. A
transistor radio pops out of the pocket of his threadbare
shirt, still broadcasting the news. One of the upstairs
windows opens with a creak, and
Harolds wife, sticks her head out and looks into the
(loud, harsh)
Goddamnit Harold! I spent all day
yesterday washing your clothes and
look what youre doing to em.
Shows how much you care about me.
Harold watches her from under the pile of laundry. Then he
grabs the radio, staggers up, increasing the radios volume
as he does so, to drown out the voice of his wife.
Above him, Edna raves on for a moment (we cant make out what
she is saying), then furiously slams the window shut.
The room is musty and cluttered like an old attic. Edna
stomps away from the window and turns her attention to the
partially functional, old clunker of a black and white TV.
She plops herself down onto the lumpy couch and picks up two
knitting needles and returns to work on a sweater. A news
report about the mass murders is being broadcast.
...A police spokesman tells
Eyewitness News that authorities
have been combing the area since
just before dawn. Reports of
cannibalism and sexual mutilation
are still unconfirmed...
Nevertheless, these murders are
already being called the most
brutal in local history.
Leans in to adjust the long rabbit-ear antenna, spreading the
ears apart for a better picture. She listens intently.
The motive behind the grisly
murders remains a mystery at this
hour as does the identity of the
killer or killers. The search
continues for more bodies.
(to herself)
My God, My God, My God.
...Residents of the Lake region
are being urged to take extra
precaution when approaching
strangers and to report anything
unusual to police, immediately.
Well be back with the weather
forecast after this important
Visibly upset, Edna rises to her feet. She goes over to the
door leading downstairs to the market, opens it and call out.
Harold, whatre you doing down
No response. She rushes to the window, jerks it open and
sticks her head out.
Harold... I want to talk to you.
No answer.
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