영문 Naked 네이키드 영화 대사

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  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Naked Script
Oh, go on! Oh!
What... What... What are you doing?
Youre hurting me!
Im gonna tell my Bernard of you!
Youre fucking dead.!
Oi.! Come back here, you.!
Get off that couch
and come out here!
Oh, shit! Sorry.
I didnt see you there.
Do you live here?
Yeah, I do, unfortunately.
Do you know Louise Clancy?
Yeah. Are you a friend of hers?
Know where she is?
Shes at work.
- What time does she get back?
- Dont know. About : or something.
Fuckin hell.
Do you want to come in
for a cup of tea?
Is that all right with you, love?
Its just, you know, cold.
Listen, have you got anything
for a headache?
Ah. Yeah, we have, as it happens.
Like a monkey wrench or something.
- Whats all this about?
- Oh, yeah.
- Thats Sandra, that is.
- Hello, Sandra.
This is her place.
Shes a fucking nurse.
Thats her idea of interior design.
Oh, yeah, its a skeleton.
And this is
her cocktail cabinet and all.
There you go.
That should do it.
No, its too big.
- Do you want a cup of tea?
- Yeah.
So, are you Louises boyfriend?
- No.
- Oh, right.
- What, youre just, like, a mate?
- Primate.
- You must be the missing link then.
- Yeah, thats me.
- Youre not gonna tell me your name.
- No.
- Im not gonna tell you mine neither.
- All right. Well be strangers.
- I see your boomerang came back then, love.
- Its not my fuckinboomerang.
What about the old diminishing
pachyderm formation there?
No, thats all Sandras collection.
Shes in Zimbabwe at the moment.
And fuck knows what shes
gonna bring back from there.
Polagra or hepatitis "B" or something.
Shes with her boyfriend.
So, how is Louise?
I dont know.
I dont know her as well as you.
- Do you get on with her?
- Well, been out a couple of times.
- Does she like you?
- I dont know.
You better ask her.
Most people dont.
Do you find that shes
at all jealous of you?
So... So, would you describe yourself
as a happy little person?
Yeah. Im the life and soul.
Have you ever thought, right...
I mean, you dont know...
but you might already have had the happiest
moment in your whole fucking life...
and all youve got to look forward to
is sickness and purgatory?
Oh, shit.
Well, I just live from day to day myself.
I tend to skip a day
now and again. You know what I mean?
I used to be a werewolf,
but Im all right now!
Fuckin hell.
I bet theyre happy, eh?
All they got to do is sit round,
howling at the moon.
Its better than standing on the cheesy
fucking thing. Know what I mean?
I mean, tossing all these satellites
and shuttles out into the cosmos.
What do they think theyre gonna find
up there that they cant find down here?
They think if they piss high enough,
theyre gonna come across the monkey
with the beard and the crap ideas?
And its, like,
"Oh! There you are, captain!
Are you busy? Because Ive got
a few fundamental questions for you."
- Are you with me?
- Yeah.
Cause lets face it, right?
What are rockets?
I mean,
theyre just big, metal pricks.
You know, I mean, the bastards
arent satisfied with fucking the Earth up.
- Theyve gotta fuck space and all.
- Tell me something, love.
Are you aware of the effect...
you have on the average
mammalian, Mancunian...
X-Yly chromosome, slavering...
lusty male member of the species?
Uh... yeah.
I thought so.
- Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
- No.
- Do you think women like being raped?
- You talk a lot, dont you?
Do you likeJapanese food?
Look, Ive told you, Im not interested.
All right?
- Could I have that a touch harder, please?
- Yes.
All right?
Enjoying yourself, are you?
Im having a great time, actually.
- Bloody hell.
- Ah, friendly.
What are you doing here?
You look like shit.
Just trying to blend in
with the surroundings.
* Halitosis, halitosis, halitosis *
- I cant believe youre here.
- Im not here.
I tell you what.
Its a crackin place you got, love.
- Good. Im glad you like it.
- No, I was being sarcastic.
Why didnt you tell me you were coming?
I would have met you off the train.
- I didnt come on the fucking train.
- Off the bus then.
- I didnt come on the bus either.
- So how did you get here then?
Well, basically, there was this little dot,
right, and the dot went bang...
and the bang expanded...
energy formed into matter.
Matter cooled, matter lived,
the amoeba to fish, the fish to fowl...
the fowl to froggy, the froggy to mammal,
the mammal to monkey, the monkey to man.
Amo, amas, amat. Quid pro quo.
Memento mori. Ad infinitum.
Sprinkle on a little bit of grated cheese
and leave under the grill till doomsday.
- I see you havent changed.
- Hes a fuckin genius, this geezer.
I take it you met
my wicky-wacky friend Sophie.
Oh, no. Actually, we havent been
formally introduced. Have we, love?
- No.
- No, weve been sat here
in embarrassing silence all afternoon.
- So, how are you?
- Peachy creamy.
Are you really?
Im very pleased.
So, hows, um...
- Its all right.
- "Its all right."
- Its all right.
- Is it everything you hoped it would be?
- Yeah.
What did you hope it would be?
Im so... Im sorry.
Did you get that?
Its eve
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