영문 The Naked Gun 총알탄 사나이 영화 대사

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  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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The Naked Gun Script
Listen to me! Killing a few hostages
is not sufficient!
The Americans must be made to suffer.
We must humiliate them.
You do not go far enough,
General Amin.
We must strip their entrails out
and drag them to Damascus,
until they include us
in the peace process.
Nonsense! This solution
is not bold enough for Libya.
l say wipe out Washington
and New York.
What? And spoil
three years of good PR?
The Americans believe lm a nice guy.
ln some of their polls, lm more
popular than their president!
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
This is getting us nowhere.
lf we do nothing else this week,
we must conceive
at least one terrorist act
that will show all the world
that the United States,
the great Satan,
is but a paper tiger - a weak nation,
a weak people,
a people ripe for destruction.
Cowards, no longer willing to fight.
l knew it!
Hey, who are you?
lm Lieutenant Frank Drebin,
Police Squad.
And dont ever
let me catch you guys in America!
Watch out!
.. . lts all here.
This completes
our first shipment of heroin.
~/. pure.
lt better be - all kilos.
The final shipment
will be delivered in three days.
- Then well expect payment.
- Dont worry.
Police! Throw down your guns!
Kill him.
lts a great day for Americans.
This man alone...
There he is!
No flowers, thank you.
Welcome home, Frank. Good work
in Beirut. We heard about it.
Thanks. l want to know one thing -
is it true about Victoria?
lm afraid so.
She ran off with some guy.
They got married last week.
Then its over.
All of this is meaningless.
l did it for her. Everything.
And now shes gone.
And you came down here
to get a hot story, didnt you?
Pictures of me
to sell your newspapers.
- Frank...
- Sure, you think lm a big hero.
Do any of you understand
how a man can hurt inside?
Frank, theyre not here for you.
Weird Al Yankovic is on the plane.
What about the wedding?
What was she wearing?
Dont torture yourself!
Put her out of your mind.
l cant get her out of my mind.
What about the guy?
- Do you know anything about him?
- Not much.
Just that hes an Olympic gymnast
and its the best sex shes ever had.
l trusted her and followed my heart.
Foolishly, it seems.
lm just gonna have
to learn to forget.
Thats why l took my vacation
in Beirut - to find some peace.
lt wont be easy.
Everywhere l look,
something reminds me of her.
Maybe cops and women just dont mix.
What about Nordberg?
l came as soon as l heard.
Hes alive, but on life support.
Hes got a / chance of living,
though theres only
a ~/. chance of that.
Mrs Nordberg, l think
we can save your husbands arm.
Where would you like it sent?
- Frank! lm so glad you came!
- Wilma, l came as soon as l heard.
Thank you, Frank.
- Wheres Nordberg?
- Hes right here.
Nordberg, its Frank, your buddy.
lll get it!
Get the switch
at the back of the bed!
Nordberg, its me, Frank.
Who did this to you?
l...love you.
l love you, too, Nordberg.
Who were they?
- Ship... Boat...
- Thats right. A boat.
When youre better,
well go sailing together,
- just like last year.
- No... Drugs.
Nurse, give this man some drugs!
Cant you see hes in pain?
- Give him a shot, quickly!
- No...
Heroin! Heroin, Frank!
Nordberg, thats a pretty tall order.
Give me a couple of days
on that one.
Oh, my poor Nordberg!
He was such a good man, Frank.
He never wanted to hurt anyone.
Who would do such a thing?
lts hard to tell.
A gang of thugs, a blackmailer,
an angry husband, a gay lover...
Frank, get a hold of yourself!
A good cop - needlessly cut down
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  • 영화를 제작한 사람들은 28개의 영화라고 주장하니, 그것을 찾아보면서보는 재미도 쏠쏠할 듯 보인다.다음으로 미국 영화로는 다음과 같은 것이 있다. (naked gun)시리즈:시리즈 같은 첩보물, 범죄 수사물(Hot Shots):외 다수(Hot Shots2):외 다수(Loaded Weapon):시리즈 외 다수(The Silence of the Hams):외 다수(Spy Hard):

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  • 영화를 제작한 사람들은 28개의 영화라고 주장하니, 그것을 찾아보면서보는 재미도 쏠쏠할 듯 보인다.다음으로 미국 영화로는 다음과 같은 것이 있다. (naked gun)시리즈:시리즈 같은 첩보물, 범죄 수사물(Hot Shots):외 다수(Hot Shots2):외 다수(Loaded Weapon):시리즈 외 다수(The Silence of the Hams):외 다수(Spy Hard):

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