영문 Johnson Family Vacation 존슨 가족의 휴가 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
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Johnson Family Vacation Script
Were here.
Were here.
We are here.
I cant believe we at Three-Tizzle.
The hottest shop in La Lizzle.
English, son.
Remember, were in America.
- Son, your Uncle Mack is gonna trip.
- Phew! Oh!
Man, when I first left Caruthersville...
- all I had was a $ Grimley and a Jheri curl.
- Oh!
- Look at me now. Pushin a fully loaded...
- Oh!
Brand-new Lincoln Navigator.
Come on, Dad.
Compared to these trucks...
- yours is wack.
- What?
- Im just sayin. Dont get all mad at me.
- Come on.
I mean, these are
nice cars out here.
You got your Ferrari, your Lotus,
but its no Lincoln. Thats what Im saying.
Hello, man.
Welcome to Motoring.
- How may I help ya?
- Im NateJohnson. Is my truck ready?
Oh, Nate. Yes, it is, man.
Youre the insurance guy.
I remember your truck.
Oh, snap! Hey.
Yo, thats Kurupt.
I sent him my demo tape,
like, two weeks ago.
Just act like youre my bodyguard.
- Hey, and if he come over...
- What?
Just call me M.C. "D" to theJizz-A.
- Yeah, Dad.
- Call you who to the Wizz-A?
I named you Divernius James...
After your granddaddy.
Plus that street name stuff
isnt marketable.
This rap thing, son,
theres no future in it.
Theres no pension,
no plan...
and obviously no dental.
Thats why they all have
those gold teeth.
Dad, come on.
Dad, come on.!
Thats what I call a fully loaded Gator
for the haters.
The platinum grille,
Burberry interior.
Hydraulic switches, three-wheel motion,
and look at the wheels.
Oh, boy.
Son, all that Crenshaw crap
kills the resale.
Now, what self-respecting lawyer or doctor
would drive this thing now?
- Dr. Dre.
- Boy, he aint no real doctor.
Come here now.
Look, son.
My car will be your car in...
three, four or five, six...
seven, eight, nine, years...
and I dont want you thuggin it up.
But, Dad, then why are we here?
Were here to install my Delco
eight-track tape player...
so I can listen to my music
on the trip.
Listen, if you wanted
to go old-school...
you should have had them
install your record player.
Boy, you know, those videos
got your head all mixed up.
- Now, back in my day...
- Yeah, right.
You couldnt have just two hit songs
and call yourself having a good record.
No, no, no. The whole album had to be good.
You just put it on, let it play.
Wasnt no skip buttons.
Wasnt like that mess you listen to today.
All that "rub me"
and "lick me" and "suck me. "
Gotta wear a condom just
to listen to some of it.
Oh. Oh. No, no, no, no.
- Tell me this is not my truck.
- It is, insurance man. Beautiful, isnt it?
This truck has everything.
It has TVs in the floors and the headrest...
a Nike air bag, even new -inch rims
just approved for public use.
Not by me. The only thing I approved
was an eight-track.
Now, where is it?
Oh, the Delco.
It must have been a mix-up...
uh, made by my brother
who we fired yesterday.
Well, imagine that, Ziggy Marley.
Now, I suggest you get
that junk off my truck right now...
before I flip you upside-down
and mop the floor with ya!
Wait, dont. Shh, shh.
Dont be so violent.
Calm down.
I cant just take it off.
Its... Its gonna take about...
- Three days.
- Uh, no. Three? Three days?
No, no, no, no.
In three days Ive gotta be in Missouri...
which means
Im on the I- by : .
But no worries.
Just take it...
and bring it back exactly how it is.
- No charge.
- Whoa.
Better not be no charge to me.
Look, what about my eight-track?
Oh, it has eight-track,
nine-track, -track.
Its a C.D. Player. Dont worry, boss man.
Your ride will glide.
Dad. Look. Look.
Up, up. Down.
Real smooth!
This dont make no sense.
D.J., how do you turn this thing off?
Everybodys lookin at us.
Whats up, baby?
Hey, this is hot, huh?
No, no, no.
Yo, Dad, look.
dropped the navigation in the car.
Its goin up, up.
But heres the fun part.
Los Angeles to...
Caruthersville, Missouri.
Los Angeles to Caruthersville.
Distance: . miles.
Thats all I need is another woman
telling me what to do.
Ooh, girl, you wanna know
my perfect outfit?
Im thinking J. Los jeans. You know
the ones she had at the MTVAwards.
No, no, no. But Eves top at the A.M.A.s,
that was hot. I would rock that.
Open the door.
Tried that.
Here. Use this.
Hold on.
- Hello.
- Nikki, open the door.
Nikki, let your sister
get her dog stuff.
Your father was supposed to be here
minutes ago, so get off the phone...
finish packing
and change that outfit.
Ah! Dont you answer that phone.
Whoever it is can call
when you get back.
- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.
- Did you see that?
- Yeah.
- Dad, did you see that?
- Yeah, I saw that.
Oh, shoot.
Boy, give me the phone.
Phone aint for you.
Upstairs, D.J.
Hey, Mama. No.
- I told you. Well be there in three days.
- Im surprised.
Cause Miss Uppity
makes you back out every year.
I dont know why
that woman doesnt like me.
Come on, Mama.
You did throw cooked rice at our weddin.
Is that woman even coming?
Yeah. She is, uh,
packing right now.
Hold on, son.
Your brother Mack just got here
with one of those flat-screen TVs.
- Hey, Mama.
- Youre alway
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  • 휴가를 이용해 전국 유명한 곳을 두루 구경시켜 주셨습니다. 이렇게 얻어진 여행에 대한 취미는 제가 자랑하는 개척정신의 가장 큰 원동력이 되고 있습니다. 대학에 입학한 후부터는 가족 간의 여행은 불가능해 졌습니다. 아버님의 퇴직과 할머님의 병환으로 우리 집은 그다지 좋지만은 않은 상황이었습니다. 하지만 여행에 대한 꿈만은 버릴 수가 없었고, 전 아르바이트로 모은 돈으로 전국여행을 떠났습니다. 0학년 여름방학시절 친구와 떠난 전국여

  • [호텔경영] 르네상스 서울 호텔
  • 존슨(Howard Johnson), 수퍼 에잇 모텔(Super 8 motel),데이즈 인(Days Inn), 윙게이트 인(Wingate Inn), 나이트 인(Knights Inn), 트래블랏지(Travelodge), 아메리호스트 인(AmeriHost Inn) 등 8개! 의 호텔 브랜드를 소유하고 있다. 이 가운데 송도비치와 제휴한 라마다는 전세계적으로 204개 호텔이 운영중에 있으며 송도비치호텔은 서울 삼성동 라마다서울호텔과 제주도 라마다프라자에 이어 국내에서는 세번째로 라마다 브랜드를 달게 됐다.센던트 ‘2005 월드트래블어워드’ 수

  • 르네상스 호텔의 역사와 구조 및 비교 조사분석
  • 존슨(Howard Johnson), 수퍼 에잇 모텔(Super 8 motel),데이즈 인(Days Inn), 윙게이트 인(Wingate Inn), 나이트 인(Knights Inn), 트래블랏지(Travelodge), 아메리호스트 인(AmeriHost Inn) 등 8개! 의 호텔 브랜드를 소유하고 있다. 이 가운데 송도비치와 제휴한 라마다는 전세계적으로 204개 호텔이 운영중에 있으며 송도비치호텔은 서울 삼성동 라마다서울호텔과 제주도 라마다프라자에 이어 국내에서는 세번째로 라마다 브랜드를 달게 됐다.센던트 ‘2005 월드트래블어워드’ 수

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