영문 Crash 크래쉬 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,000원
Naver Naver로그인 Kakao Kakao로그인
최대 20페이지까지 미리보기 서비스를 제공합니다.
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
We are moving through a small airfield full of parked light planes. There are no people around. We move through the cluster of planes towards a hangar on the edge of the field.
We are still moving through light planes, but now we are inside the hangar. Some of the planes have their engine covers open, parts strewn around. Others are partially covered with tarps or have sections missing. There is even a sleek executive jet parked in one corner.
As we float past the planes we notice a woman leaning against the wing of a Piper Cub, her chest against the wings trailing edge, her arms spread out to each side, as though flying herself. As we get closer we see that her jacket is pulled open to expose one of her breasts, which rests on the metal of the wing.
CLOSEUP - Breast on metal.
CLOSEUP - Hard nipple and rivets.
Early thirties, dark, short hair, stylish executive clothes. Her eyes are wide open but unfocussed. A hand grips her shoulder from behind. We follow the hand down behind Catherine and discover a man crouched behind her, kissing her back.
Catherine is standing on a low mechanics platform and her skirt has been raised and hooked over the wings flap. She wears garters and stockings but no panties.
The man, handsome, cruel-looking, rises up behind her, enters her, kisses her neck. Catherine half closes her eyes. She rotates her pelvis gently against his thrusting.
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회원 추천자료
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  • crash충돌하다, know-how, maybe, quit(소수의 어구에서 사용된 경우를 제외하고 이전에는 고어로서 간주되었음), sales resistance, to go back on, to slip up, to stand up to, way of life, fortnight2주일간는 이 단어를 조금이라도 알고 있는 대부분의 미국인들에게는(독서하는 사람들에게도) 평범한 영국어법(Briticism)으로 여겨지고, 있고, 이것은 젊은 세대의 발화에서는 거의 나타나지 않는 것으로 보인다. 젊은 세대에서는 점점 미국영어인 two week를 더 많이 쓰고 있다. 이

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