영문 Grave Of The Fireflies 반딧불의 묘 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 59페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Grave Of The Fireflies Script
This script is a fan-produced translation of the animation movie, "The
Grave of the Fireflies," and is not meant in any way to infringe upon the
rights held by the creators or those in connection with the movie. The
script is purely an instrument to aid fans better understand the movie
when viewed legally.
Reproduction of this material is permitted for Non-Profit purposes only.
Any personal alterations made should not be included in the script when
distributed. In the use of this script for subtitling efforts, please
read the section "SUBTITLING" attached at the end of the script.
Maturity in the use of this script is expected.
Original Edits by K Hindall & Sheng-Te Tsao (CJAS), March 28, 1992.
Re-formatted to a 73-character line by Steven Feldman, August 11, 1992.
Please keep these headlines intact.
Griffin Script Miho Nishida 3/28/92
-Grave of the Fireflies-
Script and direction by Shun Takahata
( ) = scenery notes
[ ] = translational/cultural notes
Within translational notes:
LT Literal tranlation of Japanese;
ET Equivalent translation;
ALT Alternative phrasing of previous sentence or word;
= Definition or clarification of a word;
? Uncertain translation due to unclear dialogue.
< > = hidden reference of a dialogue
SEITA Son of a marine officer [general?].
SETSUKO Younger sister of Seita. ["Sett-chan" = Endearment of
R/SEITA Rei [= Spirit] of Seita.
MOTHER Seita and Setsukos mother.
AUNT A distant relative of Seita and Setsuko. There seems to be
no direct blood ties to her and them (probably a wife of a
distant blood relative). [Note: She may seem like an ogre or
at least an abusive woman, but I would stress that her
actions are just a result of the hard time they lived in.]
1) In this movie, the "rei"s of Seita and Setsuko travel through their
flashbacks. This "rei" is not really a ghost but more a spirit.
2) In Japanese, like many other words, the word "hotaru" can be written
in different ways. "Hotaru" is usually written with one kanji character
that has the sub-character "insect" incorporated in it or written with
the hira-gana (kana) characters that sound out "Ho" "Ta" and "Ru". In
this movie, however, the author chose to use an archaic kanji formation
to write "hotaru". The characters "Fire" and "Leaking/Spilling" and the
hiragana "RU" are used. The use of the rather archaic formation leads
this translator to speculate that the author perhaps intended to convey
the meaning of "Life Leaking" or "Spilling of Life" to the audiences. Or
perhaps, in the 1940s, this particular "spelling" was still valid. This
is purely a speculation of this translator, but one that nonetheless was
thought to be worth mentioning. [So dont quote me!]
3) Hotaru [= fireflies] do not live long.
In middle of the film, there is a song sang about frogs and heading
home. Song: "The frogs are croaking so lets go home". The reason for
the word "frog" in this song: "Kaeru" = frog; "kaeru" = to go home/back;
"kaero^" = lets go home/back. It should be noted that the kaeru from
the frog has no accent and kaeru to go home has accent on the "ka".
R/SEITA In 1945, on the night of September 21, I died. [ALT: On
the night of September 21, 1945, I died. NOTE: Sho^wa year
20 = 1945]
(_Train station_)
VOICES What a dirty guy. Oi! Watch out! How dirty! I wonder if
hes dead. The American troops will be arriving soon. It
would be an embarrassment if they find such a guy here at the
VOICE Mommy!
SEITA What date is it? (He slumps down.) Setsuko...
(Station workers arrive for clean-up.)
WORKER 1 (prods Seitas body) Again... (Searches Seita) Hm? Whats
WORKER 2 Let it be, let it be. [ALT: Forget it, forget it.] just throw it away.
WORKER 1 (prods another body) This ones gonna go soon, too. When
they start staring into open air, theyre goners.
(The station worker throws the rusted candy can outside. The cap opens
on impact and small white objects spill out. As the fireflies take
flight, the rei of Setsuko rises up from the weed beds. Seeing her
brothers form in the station, she starts to go there, but a hand
restrains her. She looks up to see the rei of her older brother. Seita
picks up the candy can and the can is no longer rusted. Handing the can
to Setsuko, they head into the station together.)
Title: Hotaru no Haka (The Grave of the Fireflies)
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