영문 Hello Dolly! 헬로 돌리 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
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Hello Dolly! Script
Call on Dolly
If your neighbour needs a new romance
Just name the kind of man your sister
wants, and shell snatch him up
Dont forget to bring your maiden aunts
and shell match em up
Call on
"Mrs Dolly Levi."
Shes the one the spinsters recommend
She even found a lovely bride
for poor cousin Isadore
"Social introductions arranged."
Drag your single relations out
In a week youll have to
send engraved invitations out
"In an atmosphere of elegance
and refinement."
Call on Dolly
"Object: matrimony."
If your eldest daughter needs a friend
Just name the kind of man your sister
wants, and shell snatch him up
Dont forget to bring your maiden aunts
and shell match em up
Call on Dolly
If your eldest daughter needs a friend
I have always been a woman
who arranges things
For the pleasure and the profit it derives
I have always been a woman
who arranges things
Like furniture and daffodils and lives
If you want your sister courted,
brother wed or cheese imported
Just leave everything to me
If you want your roof inspected,
eyebrows tweezed or bills collected
Just leave everything to me
If you want your daughter dated,
or some marriage consummated
For a rather modest fee
If you want a husband spotted,
boyfriend traced or chicken potted
Ill arrange for making all arrangements
Just leave everything to me
- Business or pleasure, Mrs Levi?
- Mr Jones, business is always a pleasure.
And youve got more businesses
than a dog has fleas!
As my late husband, Ephraim Levi,
used to say:
"If you have to live from hand to mouth,
you better be ambidextrous!"
If you want your ego bolstered,
muscles toned or chair upholstered
Just leave everything to me
Charming social introductions,
expert mandolin instructions
Just leave everything to me
If you want your culture rounded,
French improved or torso pounded
With a ten-year guarantee
If you want a birth recorded,
collies bred or kittens boarded
Ill proceed to plan the whole procedure
Just leave everything to me
- Where to, Dolly?
- Yonkers.
To handle a highly personal
matter for Mr Vandergelder,
the well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire.
- Gonna marry him yourself?
- Why, Mr Sullivan,
whatever put such
a preposterous idea into my head?
Your head.
If you want a law abolished,
jury swayed or toenails polished
Just leave everything to me
If you want your liver tested,
glasses made, cash invested
Just leave everything to me
If you want your children coddled,
corsets boned or furs remodelled
Or some nice, fresh fricassee
If you want your bustle shifted,
wedding planned or bosom lifted
Dont be ashamed, girls!
Life is full of secrets and I keep em!
Ill discreetly use my own discretion
Ill arrange for making all arrangements
Ill proceed to plan the whole procedure
Just leave everything
To me
- And Im telling you that I will marry her!
- Not without my permission, you wont!
This is a free country, not a private kingdom.
Shes consented and Ill marry her.
- Im telling you that you wont.
- Im telling you I will.
- Never.
- Tomorrow. Today.
Ermengarde is not for you.
You cant support her. You are an artist.
- I make a good living.
- A living, Mr Kemper,
is made by selling something that
everybody needs at least once a year.
And a million is made by producing
something everybody needs every day.
You artists, you painters, produce
nothing that nobody needs, never.
You might as well know, any way we can find
to get married is right and fair and well do it.
You are an impractical,
seven-foot-tall nincompoop.
- Thats an insult.
- All the facts about you are insults.
- Thank you for the honour of your visit.
- Ermengarde is of age and theres no law...
Law? The law is there to prevent crime. Men
of sense are there to prevent foolishness.
It is I that will prevent you
from marrying my niece.
And Ive already taken the necessary steps.
Mrs Dolly Levi is on her way here even now.
Dolly Levi? Your marriage broker?
Never mind that. Shell pick up Ermengarde
and take her to New York,
and keep her there
until this foolishness is over.
- Well see about that.
- Thank you again for the honour...
You have to sit still, Mr Vandergelder. If I cut
your throat it will be practically unintentional.
% of the people in this world are fools and
the rest are in great danger of contamination.
Enough of this.
Im a busy man with things to do.
A scraped chin is the least of them.
I did the best I could, Mr Vandergelder.
- Joe.
- Yes?
Ive got special reasons
for looking my best today.
Is there something a little extra
you can do? A little special?
You know, do some of those things you do
to the young fellas. Smarten me up a little bit.
Face massage. A little perfume water.
All I know is cents worth, like usual,
and that includes all thats decent to do.
Listen, I dont want you blabbing this,
but I need something extra today
because Im going to New York to call on a
very refined lady, name of Miss Irene Molloy.
Your callin on ladies is none
of my business, Mr Vander
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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  • 헬로우 돌리!로 당시 총 11개 부문 가운데 10개 부문의 상을 휩쓸었다. 남태평양, 아가씨와 건달들, 왕과 나, 마이페어 레이디, 사운드 오브 뮤직, 노력하지 않고 출세하는 법, 지붕 위의 바이올린, 라만차의 사나이(돈 키호테), 카바레, 코러스 라인, 애니(1977), 에비타, 42번가, 레 미제라블, 오페라의 유령등 우리에게 낯익은 작품들이 이 상을 수상하였다.1997년에는 한국 출신의 가수인 최주희가 왕과 나에 출연, 호연을 펼치면서

  • 인문어학 미국과 영국의 music&musical
  • 헬로우 돌리!로 당시 총 11개 부문 가운데 10개 부문의 상을 휩쓸었다. 남태평양(1950), 아가씨와 건달들(1951), 왕과 나(1952), 마이페어 레이디(1957), 사운드 오브 뮤직(1960), 노력하지 않고 출세하는 법(1962), 지붕 위의 바이올린(1965), 라만차의 사나이(돈 키호테)(1966), 카바레(1967), 코러스 라인(1976), 애니(1977), 에비타(1980), 42번가(1981), 레 미제라블(1987), 오페라 유령(1988)등 우리에게 낯익은 작품들이 이 상 을 수상하였다. 1997년에는 한국

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  • 헬로키티가 있다, 이 둘은 꽤나 오래된 캐릭터들이지만 현재까지 전 세계적으로 사랑을 받고 있는 이유는 이들이 원소스멀티유즈(OSMUOne source multi use)를 통해 지속적으로 진화해왔기 때문이다. 디즈니와 산리오의 유명 글로벌캐릭터들이 진출해 있는 해외 시장의 높은 장벽은 뽀로로에게 있어서 넘어야 할 큰 산이라고 할 수 있다. Ⅵ. STP분석1. 시장세분화 (Segmentation)구분유아아동청소년성인애니메이션특징짧은 방영시간및 교육적인 내용교

  • 네이버라인 LINE 차별화된 서비스전략, 네이버라인 성공실패사례(일본,한국), 네이버라인 마케팅전략과 느낀점
  • 영문으로 쳐서 검색해보면 어떻게 이 나라에서도 한국어를 아는 사람이 있을까 싶을 정도로 다양한 언어로 번역이 되어 동영상이 있는 모습을 발견하기 쉽다. 따라서 인기 많은 드라마에 광고를 함으로써 세계 사람들에게 홍보를 하는 효과를 누리기 위해 이 프로모션 전략을 선택한 것이다. 실제로 ‘별에서 온 그대’는 중국에서 굉장히 선풍적인 인기를 끌었는데 이 드라마에 ppl 홍보를 한 라인이 중국에서 굉장히 인지도가 높아졌다. 10. 결론 및 느

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