영문 FindingN everland 네버랜드를 찾아서 영화 대사

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  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Finding Neverland Script
- Lights up!
- Beginners, please!
- Your five-minute call, sir.
- Places.
- Places. Everyone to their places.
Sh. Quiet, everyone.
Opening nights?
I love opening nights.
- How are you? Good to see you.
- Good evening, Charles.
- Sir Herbert, how are you?
- This is my wife.
- Oh, Lady Herbert.
- How do you do?
May I give you a peck?
One of Mr Barries finest?
Oh, that genius Scotsman
has done it again.
Its the best thing Ive produced
in years.
I already have investors interested
back home in New York.
See you on Broadway!
First positions, people.
Standing by, please,
ladies and gentlemen.
If you could take
your opening positions, please.
Beginners, please take
your opening positions.
Audience are coming in. Standing by.
- Good audience.
- Sorry?
Good audience tonight.
OK. Thats great, thank you.
How much longer?
Um, ten minutes, sir.
I love opening nights.
I want to dance with your wife
at the after-party.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Good evening, Mr Frohman.
- How are you, John?
- Very well.
Its the best thing
that Ive produced in years.
- Hello, George. How are you?
- Healthy and wealthy, I see.
Youve rearranged a holiday
for me and I wont forget it.
- For you, Charles, anything.
- You wont regret it.
Im sure.
- Have you got the tickets?
- Theyre in my pocket.
- Theres Mrs Barrie.
- Oh, Mr and Mrs Snow.
We were so hoping to speak
with your husband before the show.
- Have you seen him?
- Im not sure where he is, actually.
We do miss seeing you on stage.
You were so wonderful.
Yes, well, its been some time now.
Are you right to find your seat?
Oh, yes, yes.
See you at the party, then.
Excuse me. Could you find Mr Barrie
and remind him that theyre doing his play
this evening.
- Yes, maam.
- Thank you.
Lets close the doors.
Really, I mustnt
inconvenience you in this way.
I can wait quite well in the shop.
Tis no inconvenience.
The shop is chilly. And there is a fire here.
Really, you are uncommonly good.
Sorry, sir.
Mrs Barrie wanted me to remind you
that the plays begun.
- Though I imagine you know that.
- They hate it.
- Sir?
- Its like a dentists office out there. Why?
- I wouldnt say they hate it, sir.
- What do you think? Do you like it?
- Ive just been hired here, sir.
- Yes or no? Im not bothered.
- Im not really qualified to...
- Do you like it? Is it crap?
- Crap, sir?
- Go on, say it. Just say it.
Its shite, isnt it? Go on. Say it.
- Dont know if Im...
- "Its bulls pizzle, Mr Barrie." Go on, say it.
- Its bulls pizzle, Mr Barrie.
- I knew it.
- No, I havent even seen it.
- I knew it. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Might I knock a tune, milord,
for a moment?
Im an old man...
..and Ive seen few of the sights.
Absolute rubbish from start to finish.
Yes, I found it fearfully dull.
Say goodbye to your investment, old boy.
Good to see you. My apologies.
Well get them with the next one,
Charles, I promise.
- Of course we will, James.
- I know you put a lot into this one.
A fortune, James, but I am fortunate
because I can afford to lose a fortune.
- Can you?
- No, I cant. How are you?
- Arthur.
- James.
You were sorely missed
at the last club meeting.
Was I?
We were beginning to wonder
which is your hobby, writing or cricket.
You wanted to speak with Mr Barrie,
didnt you?
Oh yes, but we shouldnt interrupt them,
should we?
I dont see why not.
If you ask me, the problem
lies in our batting order.
- James.
- Hello, darling.
You remember Mr and Mrs Snow,
dont you?
- Mrs Snow.
- Mr Barrie.
Mr Snow.
The Snows have been waiting
to meet with you all evening.
- Oh, yes.
- Is that right?
Your play this evening,
it was remarkable, wasnt it?
Was it?
Well, thank you. Thats very kind of you.
Im glad you liked it.
How did you feel it went?
- I think I can do better.
- Really?
- Mary? Hello?
- Yes, James?
Im headed off for the park if youd
like to join me. Its a beautiful morning.
Youll be working, wont you?
Perhaps, yes.
Ill let you to your work then.
- Morning, Mr Barrie.
- Morning, Emma.
- Have a good day, sir.
- And you.
Thats it. Go on, boy. Go get it, boy.
Thats right. Good boy. Grab it. Good.
Who do you belong to?
Come on, boy. Come on.
Excuse me, sir,
youre standing on my sleeve.
Am I? So sorry.
I might point out
youre lying under my bench.
I have to, Im afraid.
Ive been put in a dungeon
by the evil Prince George.
Im sorry if it bothers you.
Well, if youre trapped in the dungeon,
there isnt much to be done now, is there?
Perhaps I could slide a key to you
through the bars.
I wouldnt risk it, sir. The evil
Prince George has tortured many men.
Im sorry. Is he bothering you, sir?
My brother can be
an extremely irritating sort of person.
Aha, Prince George, I gather.
I understand you are the horrible tyrant
who imprisoned this unfortunate wretch.
Im not horrible really, but a firm ruler, yes.
Kind and tolerant.
And what precisely is...
What did you say your name was?
- Michael.
- What precisely is Michaels crime?
- Hes my younger brother.
- Ah.
- Fair enough. Sorry, lad. Cannot free you.
- Thats all ri
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