영문 Eraserhead 이레이저헤드 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 25페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 2,500원
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Eraserhead Script
Are you Henry?
Girl named Marry called
on the pay-phone.
Said shes set her parents
and youre invited to dinner.
Oh, yeah?
Thank you very much.
Youre late, Henry.
I didnt know if you wanted me
to come or not. Where have you been?
You never come
around anymore.
Dinners almost ready.
Come on in.
Hello there.
Im very pleased to meet you.
Sit down.
Its Henry. isnt it?
Marry tells me youre a very
nice fellow. What do you do?
I-I am on vacation.
What did you do?
Oh, Im sorry.
I work in the Lapells factory.
I am a printer.
Henry is very clever in printing.
Yes, he sounds very clever.
I thought I heard a stranger.
Weve got chicken tonight. Strangest
damn things, theyre man-made.
Little damn things,
smaller than my fist.
But theyre new.
Im Bill.
- Hello, Im Henry.
- Henry is at Lapells factory.
Print is your business, ha?
Plumbing is mine.
years. Ive seen has never had changed
for patching to the hell how it is now!
I put every damn pipe
in this neighborhood.
- Dad!
- Bill!
Pipes aint growing alone. I make sure
they dont. Look at my knees.
- Look at my knees!
- Bill!
- Are you hungry?
- Bill!
The girls had heard this before...
but years ago, I had
an operation on my arm here.
Doctors said I wont be able to use it.
But what the hell do they know, I said.
And I rubbed it for a half hour every day
and Ive got those... I could move it a little.
And I got... so I could turn a faucet
and pretty soon I had my arm back again.
Now I cant feel a damn
thing in it. All numb...
Im afraid to cut it, you know.
Mary usually does the carving but
maybe tonight youll do it, Henry.
All right with you?
Of course.
Id be happy to.
I just... just cut them up
like regular chickens?
Sure, just cut them up
like regular chickens.
Itll be all right.
Excuse me.
Well, Henry, what do you know?
I dont know much of anything.
Henry, may I speak
to you a minute?
Over here.
Did you and Mary
have sexual intercourse?
- Why?
- Did you?
- Why are you asking me this question?
- I have a very good reason.
But now I want you to tell me.
I-Im very... I love Mary.
Henry, I asked you if you
and Mary had sexual intercourse.
- I-I dont think its any of your business.
- Henry!
Youre in very bad trouble
if you wont cooperate.
Well... I...
- Mary!
- Mother!
- Answer me!
- Im too nervous.
- Theres a baby. Its at the hospital.
- Mom!
- And youre the father.
- It isnt possible...
- Its still unsure it is a baby.
- Its premature, but theres a baby.
After the two of you are married which should
be very soon, you can pick the baby up.
Mom, hes got
his nose bleeding.
Ill get ice.
Will you mind, Henry,
you and I getting married?
This dinner is getting cold.
Is there any mail?
Shut up!
Shut up!
I cant stand it.
Im going home.
- What are you talking about?
- I cant even sleep. Im loosing my mind.
Youre on vacation, now.
You can take care of it for a night.
Will you come back tomorrow?
All I need is a decency of that sleep.
Why dont you just stay home?
Ill do what I wanna do.
And you better take real good
care of things while Im gone.
Oh, you are sick...
Move over.
Move over.
Move over!
I locked myself
out of my apartment.
And its so late.
Wheres your wife?
She mustve gone
back to her parents, again.
Im not sure.
Can I spend a night here?
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything is fine
Youve got your good things
and Ive got mine
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything is fine
Youve got your good things
and youve got mine
In heaven...
...everything is fine
Ok, Paul!
Hi ya sonny,
whatve you got there?
Counter, Paul!
Its ok.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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