영문 Head Of State 헤드 오브 스테이트 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 4,000원
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최대 20페이지까지 미리보기 서비스를 제공합니다.
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Head Of State Script
One, two, three....
Hold up.
Heres the story about a man
A simple man
A man with a dream
To do the world some good
Heres a story for rich and poor
For young and for old
About a man from the hood
Trying to do the world some good
Heres the story about a man
An everyday man
A man with a dream
To be the head of state
Alderman Gilliams office.
What are you upset about?
Its not a black-owned business?
-But its a Chinese food restaurant.
-So, whats with the fried rice?
I know its fried rice, but its not "fried" rice.
Alderman Gilliams office.
Kim. How is it going, honey?
-Got tickets to the symphony.
-Hold on a second, I got another call.
-You better not put me on hold.
Vote for Gaines and James.
-The Million Babies Mamas March?
-Its a very good cause.
Call Reverend Barton for that one. No...
you cant use food stamps to buy tires.
Im sorry, Mr. Hawkins.
What can I do for you?
Your girlfriend is on hold.
-Hold on a second.
-How could you put me on hold?
-What was it, Mr. Hawkins?
-The bus.
I read that theyre going to shut down
our bus line.
If they do that, I cant get to work!
Unless they give me a job
in that new mall theyre building.
Dont worry. Ive been talking
to the people downtown...
and I promise you this:
If they shut down this bus line,
I will drive you to work myself.
You got my word.
Alderman Gilliam, quick! Miss Pearl is back!
Okay. I got to go.
Hi, thats me, Mays Gilliam, alderman
of the th Ward of Washington, D.C.
Not the part of D.C. youre familiar with.
I work in a neighborhood so bad,
you can get shot while youre getting shot.
Around here when people have a problem,
they dont call the mayor, they call me.
Miss Pearl!
Whats going on?
Dionne is in the house. I know she is.
I dont know what shes talking about.
We checked the house, nobody is in there.
Hey, man, Dionne is her cat.
Whatever. Cats got nine lives. Shell be fine.
Can we let one guy go in
and help this lady get her cat?
Cant do it. Once they laid the explosives,
theres nothing I can do.
She just showed up.
You took the ladys house.
Can you at least let her get her cat?
We didnt take it, we gave her $ .
What kind of house is she supposed to get
with $ ? A crack house?
I think shed be happy to get out
of this rattrap.
Who are you to call this place a rattrap?
This is my neighborhood, where Im from.
I got my first bike stolen right there.
My daddy got his bike stolen right there.
When I have a son, I hope hes fortunate
enough to get stuck up right there.
-Cant you let somebody go check?
-We already looked.
Theres nothing in there. We got work to do.
Leave the people alone, damn it!
-Lets get this thing going.
-Come on.
-Stop being in such a hurry.
-Weve been here all morning.
Let the lady go inside.
Come on, baby! Sugar baby.
Could you at least turn it off?
Let the lady get her cat.
Dionne, baby? I got something for you!
Miss Pearl, no!
All right, turn it off.
Wait till this woman gets her cat.
Shit, its not working!
Turn it off!
She better get out, its going to blow!
Miss Pearl! Come out!
No, Mays!
Youve only got a minute!
-Fix it! Get to work.
-Im trying.
Get a union man on this.
Get your ass out!
Miss Pearl, we got to get out of here.
Theyre going to blow this place up.
They wouldnt do that, baby!
They know were in here.
I love you, Ive known you a long time.
Youve seen a lot in your life.
Youve seen churches burnt to the ground,
dogs sicced on kids...
youve seen Malcolm X and JFK killed.
They shut up Muhammad Ali
and Richard Pryor.
They gave Magic Johnson AIDS,
turned Michael Jackson white.
Do you really think these people
give a damn about you?
We interrupt the Jay-Z song
to bring you this special bulletin.
Presidential candidate Senator Gaines...
and his running mate,
General Olson James...
were both killed when their planes
crashed into each other.
We now return you to the Jay-Z song
already in progress.
Whats up?
Trying to be like you, hero!
Whats up, man? Saving kittens?
Dont steal my car now.
I dont want that garbage.
What will I do, feed your car to my car?
Let me get ten Nine Lives,
four Lucky Ducks, two Straight Pokers...
three Crabpots and five Powerballs.
Thank you, here you go.
You all need to stop.
Why are all these people clapping?
-You didnt see me on the news?
-No, I didnt.
I got meat!
More beef than East Coast, West Coast rap.
Check it out!
Superman! Saving lives and stuff.
Why dont you cop
one of these pork chops?
Know what you need to do?
You need to leave. I wont tell you again.
Nobody wants your meat.
Who the hell wants to buy stolen meat?
-Ill take a T-bone.
-You like gizzards, too?
Did you hear about that guy
running for President?
Who will replace him?
Maybe they should get Shaq.
Nobody can beat him.
Are you getting gas?
Youre holding my line up.
Yeah, Im sorry.
$ on three.
Youve got a lot of nerve hanging up on me.
Hanging up?
-Whats going on?
-Im leaving you! Thats whats going on.
The only reason I accepted this engagement
ring from you in the first place...
is because I thought you h
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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  • 영화와 문학작품 속에 등장하는 국내 관광지에 대한 스토리텔링을 가미하였다. 이를 통해 국민의 국내여행에 대한 관심이 전년 대비 26.4% 증가했다. 한편 2006년 4월부터 네이버에 ‘구석구석 카페’ 운영을 통해 국민의 참여를 유도하고 있으며, 2009년 기준으로 회원수가 7만 1천 명을 상회하고 있다. 이는 구석구석 캠페인이 예전의 국민 계도적이고 관(官) 중심적인 캠페인에서 국민 참여를 이끌어내고 감성에 호소하며 서로 소통하는 쌍방향 커뮤니케

  • 난타,마케팅,브랜드,브랜드마케팅,기업,서비스마케팅,글로벌,경영,시장,사례,swot,stp,4p
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