영문 Fritz The Cat 프리츠 더 캐츠 영화 대사

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Fritz The Cat Script
Hey, yeah. The 1960s?
Happy times, heavy times.
All right, so you get
your daughter, right?
She might be Catholic,
Jewish, anything.
So you bring her up
in what they call...
the bourgeois,
American-type-society family.
Bring them up so they dont
screw until they get married.
You take them to church
on Sunday.
Teach them all you can
about bringing up a family...
how you should look and act...
then you send them to college.
You bust your hump.
No government subsidy.
Nobodys paying nothing.
You save your money,
or you borrow the money...
you work overtime,
you send her to college.
You want her
to get an education.
The first Easter
she comes home on a vacation...
she says, "Hey, Dad,
Im living with some guy."
"Youre living with some guy?
What do you mean?"
"This is the thing now.
Free love."
Were getting away
from the original point.
What were trying to find is,
why are these bastards rioting?
Because they did dope.
Listen, youre going
in the wrong direction.
What of it?
What happens is, look,
Im sending you to school...
Im breaking my ass to send you
to college, right?
I expect youre going
to learn something.
Why be a janitor?
Learn something.
To justify my investment in you.
But some of these people
revel in the fact...
that their kids are leaders,
are rabble-rousers.
This son of a bitch
just started a riot.
These kids think
theyre the first generation...
that ever screwed
before they got married.
We all did,
but we always had one girl.
She screwed...
that girl you took out.
Its better off
these kids dont get married...
because they havent got
the guts to stick with it.
Hey, you fucking intellectuals
You think
youre so where its at
Before you fill your minds
with any junk
Better listen to Fritz the Cat
Cause writers and poets
and artists
Its your duty
to live life to the most
So fly out, brothers,
and check out the world
Give me a ride to the coast
Fritz the Cat
He fought many a good man
Laid many a good woman
Live life to the fullest
Cry out for more
until it bleeds
Help me,
help me help you, mother...
Love me,
I hate you, love me
I kill you, love me
I love you
What a mob in the park today.
God, the place
is crawling with phonies.
Yeah, high school punks.
Those creeps are always here
on weekends, man.
Most of them are total jackoffs.
So many people here
and nobody here.
-Dig that chick, man!
-Over there?
Man, look at that ass on her!
-What a baby carriage.
-So what, man?
If you hadnt showed up so late,
wed be all right now.
Fritz always does it, man.
Everybodys here with
their guitars already.
Sixteen versions
of "Lemon Tree."
I just want someplace
where I can sleep.
I mean, I can cook.
I can sew and do housework
and things like that.
Get out the guitars.
Come on, get them out.
And one, two, three.
Once I had a little girl
Who was in love with me
Well, well, baby,
I know, I know
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah
Oh, mama, mama,
singing it, ho
Dumb chicks.
-Easily impressed by spades.
-lts the thing, man.
Look, Im gonna split.
Ill see you guys later.
Yeah, hang loose, Fritz.
Ive read everything
James Baldwins written.
He has a true sense of
the problems of black people.
I worked for Head Start
for free last summer.
Black kids
are so much groovier.
I went to a couple of
Black Panther meetings.
The time for
non-violent revolution is past.
More power to the people!
Im taking a course
in African studies at school.
I had no idea you people
were so civilized.
Do you know
that property values...
actually go up when
a black family moves in?
Freud didnt write
for the black man.
Why does a great actor
like James Earl Jones...
always have to play black men?
Dont you hate it when people
say "Colored" or "Negro"...
and not "Black"?
Black is beautiful.
Its so great that black people
wear their hair natural...
not emulating
the image of beauty...
white people inflict upon them.
I had a black girlfriend once
who said that Jewish people...
were the closest
to black people.
Im Jewish, you know.
I aint no jive-ass
black nigger, honey.
Who do you think I am?
Oh, God!
Oh, Jesus!
How awful.
My soul is tormented.
-Oh, no.
Ive been up and down the four
corners of this big old world.
Ive seen it all!
Ive done it all!
Ive fought many a good man,
laid many a good woman.
Ive had riches and fame
and adventure.
Stood face to face with danger
and death countless times.
Are you somebody famous?
I think I saw you
in a movie once.
Try not to interrupt, huh?
Ive tasted life
to the fullest...
and still my soul cries out...
in this hungry, tortured,
wrecked quest, "More!"
-Look at the good side of life.
-Things arent all bad.
Gee, hes handsome.
You. You can help me.
You must save me.
By so doing, you, too,
will be saved.
Id like to, but what can I do?
Lovely set of eyes there.
Little sweet one
with your heart of gold...
I know of a place
where we can be alone...
to join our souls
in sacred truth.
I want to be in on this thing.
What about my soul,
you fink?
Four in bed...thats a kick
I havent tried yet
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  • [예술] 외국영화감독
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  • 영화용어사전 레포트
  • 대사나 한 조각의 이미지로 왜소해질 수도 있다. 학자들은 소설이나 영화 중 어느 하나가 다른 쪽보다 바람직한 매체라는 견해를 갖지는 않는다. 탁월한 각색이 원래의 원작 소설과 전혀 딴판이면서도 질적으로 원작과 어깨를 나란히 할 수도 있다. 묘사적 성격의 대중 소설이었던 (1951)은 각색 과정에서 상실한 것을 험프리 보가트 Humphrey Bogart 와 캐더린 헵번 Katharine Hepburn 의 잊을 수 없는 연기로 되찾았다.

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