[교양영어] freedom of speech에 대한 나의 견해

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  • 2006.11.13 / 2019.12.24
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freedom of speech

I take up the position that freedom of speech is necessary.Freedom of speech is recorded in the constitution of democratic nations.
If you think of the societies without freedom of speech, you can understand the necessity of freedom of speech easily. In oder words, if you see the case of speech's being tied by some forces on earth, you can realize the importance of freedom of speech. For example, the North Korea government is flouncing for the structure maintenance with covering the people's ears and mouth through drastic control.
It is very restricting that the people in North Korea were given the foods and supplies from all around world including South Korea.
Because of this, the lives of them get impoverisher more and more.
If the North Korea would guarantee freedom of speech, the people would understand such situation and realize the richness that brought by the capitalism which might cause an uprise that will contribute civilization of the North Korea
This shows that the freedom of speech in other words the freedom of expression can satisfy their right what they must know, it also can be a important rule what leads the country to the right way.
By the way, according to the developing of internet, it is necessary a collision of the merit that the freedom of speech and protecting of person's honor.
For example, even though it is the action that defamation of character it open to the public easily because of the freedom of speech.
Few years ago, star performer X-file of an advertising agency opened to the public therefore it made trouble.
Writing contents on the X-file are not the truth but we regarded it as the truth.
Also there was an accident which opened their private life to the public therefore that was just like a sentence of death for not only a star but also a woman.
According to the developing the internet these matters get deeper.
We live in this period that we can know what was happened in opposite of our area.
These power of internet show that faster than other media and powerful influence
It is the truth that make trouble according to the developing of internet because we need to approach an another angle about these problem.
We have to permit the freedom of speech only when it speaks for the common interests.
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  • 5r7-,-
  • diana3***
    (2008.04.28 10:43:53)
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