[MIS] 증강현실과 미래동향(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2011.09.21 / 2019.12.24
  • 10페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1.What is augmented Reality?
2.Brief History of Augmented Reality -
3.Capabilities of Augmented Reality
4.The Advantages of Augmented Reality
5.Feasible or Not?
6.Disadvantages of Augmented Reality
Through this, firms can implement more detailed and flexible marketing strategies within a short time. In www.weareorganizedchaos.com, the Zugara corporation labels Augmenting Reality as a ‘sophisticated merchandising technique”, a driving growth in which e-commerce will soon outperform in store sales. Augmented Reality enables the research of customers through advanced technologies. Through these technologies, organizations can then study the behavior patterns of the customers even through the limited space of the digital realm. With this advantage, businesses can then outsource competing firms in reaching targeted markets. Augmented Reality first becomes an advantage towards competitors, which is an enabling capability given to the business organizations for the strategic planning in the corporation.
Another aspect is the enabling of capabilities given towards the customers, where is allows e-commerce or other forms of customer relationship to be secured through the constructive interaction which is the aim of Augment Reality. Distortions of the digital firm are minimized and the advantages of the physically imminent competitors are then copied by the digital firms. Customers then receive the same satisfaction of outdoors shopping compared to Internet shopping because satisfaction is reached through the bare exposure of the customer towards e-commerce, in which the website maybe customized according to the Customers wants and needs. Customers then may receive additional value apart from the Convenience and Price factor of e-commerce to even the Physical and Social Factors, which used to be the only competitive advantages physically imminent firms had against digital firms. Using these two counterparts of benefits, it exchanges the interests of customers towards the organizations for marketing reasons and creates a closer interaction between both.


 Experience.
AR technology which is combined with instilling a realistic experience, can have an effective advantage which can provide an almost “natural” experience. This property is very useful in internet shopping. The introduction of AR to internet market will solve the problem of internet market in which customers are not able to experience the products.
For example, the clothing company Zugara Corporations is a service provider of a program called WSS Plug & Play: Software. ZUGARA gives people the experience of wearing clothes through the AR technology. If the customer views their body in the webcam, AR replicates the image of the wanted image to fit the customer’s webcam image.This software promises a One Day Configuration, Markerless Technology, a new positioning tool, and a new shopper experience to customers. A fast configuration feature is given without any backend integration. A markerless technology promises to track the shopper and customize the online commerce according to the customer’s wants with a new a positioning tool, which items are scaled to align different shopping items to the customer’s body through a webcam. This new software not only gives a new experience to the shopper, but it also is ready to be integrated with any e-commerce. Through such advanced features, this software promises a “Differentiated key Benefits towards the Customers” and towards retailers as well.
ZUGARA promises a ‘barrier-free experience’ convenient way of online shopping without having to deal with downloads, paper makers, nor need of advanced webcams for the process to customers.
To retailers, it promises

1. [http://www.inf.pucrs.br/~pinho/TCG/Docs/ASurveyOfAugmentedReality.pdf| Azuma, R. (1997). "A Survey of Augmented Reality." PRESENCE-CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS- 6: 355-385. - Brief Introduction and Application Survey

2. http://msl.yonsei.ac.kr/index.php/Main/ARMarker

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augmented_reality

4. http://www.ontolinux.com/technology/terms.htm

5. http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%A6%9D%EA%B0%95%ED%98%84%EC%8B%A4
6. http://newtech.about.com/od/softwaredevelopment/a/Applications-Of-Augmented-Reality.htm
7. (journal-cad&graphics May/2008)증강현실의 기술원리 및 프레임 워크 / 박홍석,최흥원
8. http://www.cadgraphics.co.kr/education/upload/156-160_AR_Technology.pdf
9. http://www.onetooneglobal.com/insight

10. http://www.zugara.com/augmented-reality/e-commerce

11. http://www.ehow.com, SERI 경영노트(‘증강현실’이 가져올 미래 변화)

12. www.weareorganizedchaos.com

13. http://www.webpronews.com/augmented-reality-to-become-our-sixth-sense-according-to-layar-2011-02 “ Augmented Reality to become our Sixth Sense?” Crum, Chris (February 21, 2011)
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