[경영학] 닌텐도 경영전략(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.03.14 / 2019.12.24
  • 18페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,700원
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
I. Introduction
II. Nintendo Industry
III. Comparative Analysis (4P and Business Performance)
IV. Marketing Strategy
V. Conclusion
III. Comparative Analysis (4P and Business Performance)

Nintendo is currently selling DS as their representative products, and it’s attractive in all age groups. Nintendo DS has differentiated technologies. Function of 2LCD monitors, touch screen, radio communication and microphone is their own technology that other portable game consoles do not have, which is only controlled with buttons. Comparing to PSP consisting of many masculine games such as fighting actions, sports or shooting games, NDS games are more familiar to everyone regardless of age, gender and game experience, and you can also play many types of software with NDS. For example, most people already have known Super Mario and Pocket Monster for more than 10 years, and DS also has a function of educational usage such as glossary or language study.
The other representative product is Nintendo Wii. It also has differentiated technology as well. The control system and screen recognize user’s action, and it provides Internet. But most games of both products are focused on simplicity so that people easily get bored of them. Because of all ages targeting and lack of diversity, they failed to create manias and opinion leaders. To benefit from their targeting strategy and forming communities of opinion leaders as well, they should have produced both masculine and feminine game titles. Also, since on-line system is the most popular trend in game
• 닌텐도이야기; 김영한
• 닌텐도의 비밀; David Sheff
• 나이키의 상대는 닌텐도다; 마젤란
• (화투에서 Wii까지) 닌텐도처럼 창조한다는 것; 김정남
• 닌텐도 : "놀라움"을 낳는 방정식- 이노우에 오사무
• www.nintendo.co.kr
• http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/charts/chartdl.aspx?symbol=ntdoy
• http://gamrfeed.vgchartz.com/story/2752/totals-statistics-and-analysis-of-the-2008-world-videogame-market/
• http://diga.egloos.com/10481573
• www.fnnews.com
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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  • 경영자(CEO)가 관중 6000여명에게 기조연설을 하고 있다. 인도 출신 개발자였던 나델라는 마이크로소프트 입사 20여년 만인 2014년 CEO에 올랐다. /AP 연합뉴스나델라는 MS를 윈도 회사에서 클라우드(cloud가상 저장 공간) 회사로 완전히 바꿨다. 이 전략이 성공하면서 MS는 현재 세계 1위 시가총액(9819억9000만달러약 1147조원) 기업이 됐다. 나델라가 CEO로 취임한 지 5년 만이다.주가는 3배 이상 폭등(2014년 1월 37.16달러→6일 현재 128.15달러)했다.미국 경제지 블

  • 닌텐도 Nintendo 경영전략(영문)
  • 닌텐도이야기II. Key Strategies on NDSP - CP - CCU - PCU - PPlayStation PortableNintendo DSCPUC : Cost of productionP : PriceU : Utility to customersCost-leadership(Lower costs/ lower prices)Differentiation(Higher costs/ higher prices)NDSPSP1) Expansion of Consumer Utility2) Broad DifferentiationSummary of strategies for NDSCompetiveness in Cost : Lower cost than PSP- Much utility to customersDifferentiation : Attractive game device with existing technologiesBoth Cost-leadership and Differentiation : Broad differentiation III. The threat > Social Game Market

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