나이키 NIKE 경영전략 분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.03.04 / 2019.12.24
  • 20페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
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1. Reasons for selecting “Nike”

2. Company Overview
2.1 Introduction & History
2.2 Market share
(Comparison of sales at sporting goods industry)
2.3 Organization & Construction of employees

3. Business Strategy of Nike
3.1 Success factors & Current situation
3.2 Production management strategies (Outsourcing)
3.3 Technology & Product development management strategies
3.4 Marketing Strategies
- 4Ps
- SWOT Analysis

4. Nike sports financial statements

5. Corporation’s drawback & Countermeasures

6. Conclusion

7. Time line of Nike

8. References

A thing that we should watch for these outsourcing in the case of Nike is the fact that it practices outsourcing as a strategic perspective which increased competitive advantage rather than mere cost saving. As turning the products on the third- party, all of their capabilities were focused at technology development and distribution and marketing, therefore, Nike maximizes their value. However, due to a manufacturing network of this magnitude, they have faced numerous violations involving factory conditions and human rights issues, which have been widely publicized.

3.3 Technology & Product development management strategies

※ Protection of core technologies: offshore outsourcing system while maintaining the level core technologies in plant production in the United States for special management to prevent outflow of core technology and suppress manufacturing partners to entering the Downstream.

3.4 Marketing Strategies
- 4Ps

1). Product
◦ High quality strategy - superb quality, design, after sales service
◦ Supply of products are higher than expected, even price is expensive for buyers.

Nike offers a wide range of shoe, apparel and equipment products, all of which are currently its top-selling product categories. Nike started selling sports apparel, athletic bags and accessory items in 1979. Their brand Cole Haan carries a line of dress and casual footwear and accessories for men, women and children.
They also market head gear under the brand name Sports Specialties, through Nike Team Sports, inc. They sell small amounts of plastic products to their manufactures through Nike IHM, inc. Bauer Nike Hockey inc. Manufacturers and distributes ice skates, skate blades, in-roller skates, protective gear, hockey sticks and hockey jerseys and accessories.

2). Price
Nike’s pricing is designed to be competitive to the other fashion shoe retailers. The pricing is based on the basis of premium segment as target customers. Nike as a brand commands high premiums. Nike’s pricing strategy makes use of vertical integration in pricing wherein they own participants at differing channel levels or take part in more than one channel level operations. This can control costs and influence product pricing.

3). Place
▷ Outsourcing (production & distribution)
◦ Design– Head office in Oregon
◦ Production- Factories in Asia
Reduces cost used to outsourcing and secure competitive advantage with superior technology and design.
Alpha Project: 73 designers in different fields and 12 professional in human engineering lead R&D of NIKE.
▷ Securing new customer base
▷ E-commerce outsourcing
▷ Gglobalization strategies of Nike (Securing the global supply chain)

3). Promotion
▷ Advertising
A way that the most easily accessible to the public. Nike invested heavily in TV advertising particularly. Nike linked their image with Jordon in a lot of ads in the past. At that time Michael Jordan was a superstar for many people. Thus, Nike’s TV ads focused on Jordan in a basketball. But when Jordan retired from the NBA and his appearance in ads could not see anymore, Nike had to seek a new alternative which is recruitment of sports stars in other sports. Typical examples are golf’s Tiger Woods, soccer’s Cristiano Ronaldo, and tennis’ Rafael Nadal. When Jordan appears in ads or games, many people regard Nike as basketball. Nike basketball goods market is therefore far been able to hold No.1. But Nike couldn’t satisfy with it. They also want to be No.1 in other sports market for example, football, tennis, baseball, golf, etc.


8. References


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회원 추천자료
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