폭스바겐 전략경영(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.08.27 / 2019.12.24
  • 15페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • est1est2est3est4est5 1(구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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Part 1. Introduction

1. Group Overview
2. Brand and Companies
3. The Volkswagen Group in summary

Part 2. Strategic Evaluation

1. Business Strategy
2. Diamond - E
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Porter's Five Forces

Part3. Strategy adoption

1. Market targeting into China
2. Strategy of Volkswagen
3. Hyundai’s Strategy – Outsourcing & Partnerships

Part4. Recommandation
3. The Volkswagen Group in summary

The Volkswagen Group with its headquarter in Wolfsburg is one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers and the largest car producer in Europe. In 2006, the Group increased the number of vehicles delivered to customers to 5.734 million (2005: 5.243 million), corresponding to a 9.7 percent share of the world passenger car market.
In Western Europe, the largest car market in the world, nearly every fifth new car (19.9 percent) comes from the Volkswagen Group. The turnover increased in 2006 to 104.9 billion Euro (2005: 95.3 billion). The result according to taxes amounted to 2.75 billion Euro in the last financial year (2005: 1.12 billion).
The Group consists of eight brands: Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, SEAT, Skoda and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.
Each brand has its own character and operates as an independent entity on the market. The product range extends from low-consumption small cars to luxury class vehicles. In the commercial vehicle sector, the product offering spans pick ups, busses and heavy trucks.
The Group operates 44 manufacturing facilities in 12 countries in Europe and in a further six countries in America, Asia and Africa. A workforce of over 325,000 peopleall around the globe produces over 24,500 vehicles per working day, as well as providing vehicle-related services. The Volkswagen Group's models are sold in more than 150 countries.
The aim of the Group is to offer attractive, safe, environmentally friendly vehicles which are competitive.

Part 2. Strategic Evaluation

The Volkswagen Group with its headquarters in Wolfsburg is one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers and the largest car producer in Europe. In Western Europe, the largest car market in the world, nearly every fifth new car came from the Volkswagen Group. The company attained a global market share of 12.1 percent.
The Group operates 44 production plants in eleven European countries and seven countries in the Americas, Asia and Africa. Around the world more than 320,000 employees produce over 21,500 vehicles or are involved in vehicle-related services on every working day. The Volkswagen Group sells its vehicles in more than 150 countries. It is the goal of the Group to offer attractive, safe and environmentally friendly vehicles which are competitive on an increasingly tough market and which set world standards in their respective classes.

1. Business Strategy
  • 자료평가0자료평가0자료평가0자료평가0자료평가0
  • well-organised
  • marinblue***
    (2014.06.04 20:12:15)
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