신라호텔 재무관리(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.07.13 / 2019.12.24
  • 13페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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Part 1. Company Overview
4.Brand Value
5.Company History
6.Top Accreditations
Part 2. Financial Analysis
1.The profitability of Hotel Shilla
2.Main products of Hotel Shilla
3.Duty free shop
4.Balance sheet
5 Stock and Issues
Part 3. Shilla Hotel Industry’s Value Creation Structure
and Key Value Driver

3.Duty Free Shop
4.Other facilities
Part 4. Required Tasks for World Scale Chain Development
Part 5. Major Trends in Global Hotel Industry
A.E-technology Tactics
B.Target the Seniors
C.Event Based Marketing
In this chart, revenue and profit of the duty free shop is comparatively high, and other department’s revenue is also increasing progressively. It can be expected that other department’s revenue and profits will increase highly as a result of customer recognition and stability of business. The business of the duty-free shops will be in good condition by luring Asian tourist. Although Hotel Shilla is falling behind the Lotte in revenue part, the rate of room of shilla has it over the lotte. It can be concluded to effective sales on business so revenue of shilla will be increasing constantly.

The left chart is stock market that changes by the revenue of the duty free shops and the right one is a data that represents the stock price and profits of hotel business without the shops. The profit structure of the industry other than hotel is getting better. It makes the stock price higher. It means that there is a close relationship between them.

4. Balance sheet
EPS 624 PER 28.71

2004/12 2005/12 2006/12 2007/12 2008/12 전년대비
Total Assets 6,749.7 6,891.6 7,113.3 7,207.6 11,326.4 57.1
Current Assets 1,022.8 1,106.8 1,129.7 1,130.4 3,881.9 243.4
Non-current Assets
Total Liabilities 2,349.2 2,248.6 2,408.9 2,320.3 6,389.0 175.4
Capitals 4,400.5 4,643.0 4,704.4 4,887.4 4,937.4 1.0
5 Stock and Issues

In the 2005, duty free shop’s revenue increased sharply, due
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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    사업자등록번호 220-06-55095 대표.신현웅 주소.서울시 서초구 방배로10길 18, 402호 대표전화.02-539-9392
    개인정보책임자.박정아 통신판매업신고번호 제2017-서울서초-1806호 이메일 help@reportshop.co.kr
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